Nsonaazụ ọchụchọ
Kee ihu a "AssassinsCreed" na wiki a! Leekwa ndị ọzọ ihe i chọrọ wepụtara.
- Raymond, na Corey May mebere, usoro nke Assassin's Creed na-egosi ọgụ akụkọ ifo gara aga n'etiti ndị Assassins, ndị na-alụ maka udo na nnwere onwe ime nhọrọ...1 KB (mkpurụ edemede 186) - 04:54, 24 Ọktoba 2022
- Blood (1989) as Raymond Trueblood Minnamurra (a.k.a. Outback) (1989) as Ben Creed The Serpent of Death (1989) as Jake Bonner The Last of the Finest (a.k.a...11 KB (mkpurụ edemede 1,491) - 14:04, 6 Ọgọọst 2024