Nsonaazụ ọchụchọ
Kee ihu a "PowerBUL" na wiki a! Leekwa ndị ọzọ ihe i chọrọ wepụtara.
- bụrụ na a ga-echekwa ọdịnihu nke ihe a kpọrọ mmadụ". N'ime ọkwa sitere na Bul Bulletin banyere ọnọdụ nke elekere, ha gara n'ebe dị anya ịkpọ oku ka ndị...41 KB (mkpurụ edemede 3,192) - 23:55, 24 Disemba 2023
- Precipitation and its Consequences for the Natural Environment". Ecology Committee, Bul. 1.. Retrieved on 5 December 2021. (December 6, 2012) in Satake: Acid Rain...61 KB (mkpurụ edemede 7,405) - 23:29, 30 Novemba 2024