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Mpaghara ndị kwụụrụ onwe ha na mba China

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Autonomous regions of the People's Republic of China
designation for an administrative territorial entity of a single country
obere ụdị nkeprovince-level division, autonomous administrative territorial entity of China Dezie
akara ala自治区 Dezie
mba/obodoChina Dezie
Iwu isi EderedeLaw of the People's Republic of China on Regional Ethnic Autonomy Dezie

Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya ( AR ; China di mfe) bụ ọkwa mbụ nke ngalaba nhazi ọkwa nke China . Dị ka ógbè ndị China, mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya nwere ọchịchị ime obodo nke ya, mana n'okpuru iwu ndị China, mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya nwere ikike imebe iwu, dị ka ikike '' ịhazi ụkpụrụ nke onwe na ụkpụrụ ndị ọzọ dị iche. '' [1] Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya bụ ọkwa kachasị elu nke agbụrụ pere mpe bụ ndị nweere onwe ha na China, nke nwere ọnụ ọgụgụ dị elu karịa nke otu agbụrụ pere mpe.

Akụkọ ihe mere eme

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

E guzobere mpaghara ime obodo Mongolia nke kwụụrụ onwe ya n'afọ 1947, Xinjiang mere nnwere onwe n'afọ 1955, Guangxi na Ningxia bụ ndị kwụụrụ onwe ha n'afọ 1958. Edebere Tibet n'okpuru nchịkwa PRC n'afo 1951, ya na ụfọdụ ndị nlele ọdịda anyanwụ kpọrọ nke a annexation, a kpọkwara ya mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya nke China n'afọ 1965. Nhọpụta Guangxi na Ningxia dị ka mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya Zhuang na Hui, n'otu n'otu nke obodo mpaghara Ndị Han China jụrụ n'iwe, bụ ndị mejupụtara ụzọ abụọ n'ụzọ atọ nke ndị bi na mpaghara ọ bụla.  Ọ bụ ezie na ndị Mongol mejupụtara pasenti pere mpe nke Ime Mongolia karịa abụọ n'ime ndị a, agha agha obodo China sotere nyere obere ohere maka ngagharị iwe. [2]

Ikike iwu

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ha na China enweghị ikike iwu ikewapụ, n'adịghị ka na Soviet Union - Iwu nke ndị mba nke China na nnwere onwe agbụrụ dị iche iche, nke edere n'afọ 1984, na-ekwu na "mpaghara agbụrụ ọ bụla kwụụrụ onwe ya bụ akụkụ na-enweghị ike ikewapụ site na Mba nkeChina, "na" ụdị o bula [...] nkewa [...] bụ nke amachibidoro kpam kpam. " [3] [4] [5]

Ndepụta mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ha

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
Designated<br id="mwMw"><br>minority Aha Igbo Simplified Chinese

Local name

SASM/GNC romanization (Language)
Abbreviation Capital Language
Zhuang Guangxi  Mpaghara Zhuang kwụụrụ onwe ya 广西壮族自治区

Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū
Gvangjsih Bouxcuengh Swcigih (Standard Zhuang/Zhuang)



(南宁; Nanzningz)
Zhuang, Standard Zhuang language (Vahcuengh)
Mongol Inner Mongolia Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya

(Nei Mongol kwụụrụ onwe ya)

Nèi Měnggǔ Zìzhìqū
Page Àtụ:MongolUnicode/fonts.css has no content.ᠦᠪᠦᠷ ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠤᠯ ᠤᠨ ᠥᠪᠡᠷᠲᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠵᠠᠰᠠᠬᠣ ᠣᠷᠣᠨ

Öbür mongüol-un öbertegen zasaqu orun (Mongolian)

Nèi Měnggǔ


(呼和浩特; ᠬᠥᠬᠡᠬᠣᠲᠠ)
Tibetan Tibet Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya

(Xizang  Mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya)

Xīzàng Zìzhìqū

Poi Ranggyong Jong (Standard Tibetan)



(拉萨;  )
Standard Tibetan
Uyghur Xinjiang Mpaghara Uygur kwụụrụ onwe yan 新疆维吾尔自治区

Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū
شىنجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونى‎

Xinjang Uyĝur Aptonom Rayoni (Uyghur)



(乌鲁木齐; ئۈرۈمچی‎)
Hui Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区

Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū



Dungan, Chinese

Ndekọ ọnụ ọgụgụ

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Ọnụ ọgụgụ ndị mmadụ

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
Administrative Division National Share (%) 2010 Census[6] 2000 Census[7] 1990 Census[8] 1982 Census[9] 1964 Census[10] 1954 Census[11]
Guangxi 3.5 46,026,629 43,854,538 42,245,765 36,420,960 20,845,017 19,560,822
Inner Mongolia 1.9 24,706,321 23,323,347 21,456,798 19,274,279 12,348,638 6,100,104
Ningxia 0.5 6,176,900 5,486,393 4,655,451 3,895,578 * *
Tibet Autonomous Region 0.2 3,002,166 2,616,329 2,196,010 1,892,393 1,251,225 1,273,969
Xinjiang 1.6 21,813,334 18,459,511 15,155,778 13,081,681 7,270,067 4,873,608

Ngwakọta mpaghara nke mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe (%, 2000)

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
Administrative Division Titular Ethnic Group Han Chinese Third Largest Ethnic Group
Xinjiang (Uyghur) 45.21% 40.58% 6.74% (Kazakh)
Tibet (Tibetan) 92.8% 6.1% 0.35% (Hui)
Inner Mongolia (Mongol) 17.13% 79.17% 2.14% (Manchu)
Ningxia (Hui) 33.9% 65.5 % 1.16% (Manchu)
Guangxi (Zhuang) 32.0% 62.0 % 3.0% (Yao)

Rịba ama: Na kọlụm "Otu nke Kasị Ukwuu" bụ agbụrụ e nyere na brackets, n'aha mpaghara kwụụrụ onwe ya na ndị Han.


  • Ngalaba nchịkwa nke China
    • Ogbè ndị China
    • Mpaghara nchịkwa pụrụ iche nke China
  • Standard Chinese
  • Atlas asụsụ nke China
  • Ngalaba nchịkwa kwụụrụ onwe ya


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]


  1. Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China (2005). english1.english.gov.cn. Archived from the original on 2021-05-01. Retrieved on 2021-07-07.
  2. Dreyer (1997). "Assimilation and Accommodation in China", in Brown: Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific. MIT Press. 
  3. First Union Constitution (en-US). Seventeen Moments in Soviet History (2015-08-27). Retrieved on 2021-07-07. “ARTICLE 4. Each one of the member Republics retains the right to freely withdraw from the union.”
  4. 中华人民共和国民族区域自治法 - Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional Ethnic Autonomy. www.gov.cn. Retrieved on 2021-07-07. “各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分 - Each and every ethnic autonomous region is an inseparable part of the People's Republic of China.”
  5. Zhu (2006-08-31). "China's Fate as a Multinational State: a preliminary assessment" (in en). Journal of Contemporary China 15 (47): 329–348. DOI:10.1080/10670560500535043. ISSN 1067-0564. 
  6. Communiqué of the National Bureau of Statistics of People's Republic of China on Major Figures of the 2010 Population Census. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2013-07-27.
  7. Error on call to Template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2012-08-29.
  8. Error on call to Template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2012-06-19.
  9. Error on call to Template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2012-05-10.
  10. Error on call to Template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2012-09-14.
  11. Error on call to Template:cite web: Parameters url and title must be specified. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived from the original on 2009-08-05.