Isi ndekọ ọha
Jikọtara ngosi nke ndekọ niile dị Wikipedia. Ị nwere ike imebi echiche site na ịhọrọ ụdị ndekọ, aha njirimara (nke na-emetụta ikpe), ma ọ bụ ibe emetụtara (nwekwara mmetụta gbasara ikpe).
- 12:50, 23 Ọgọọst 2023 737Sami ṅkátá mmetara created page Ahmed ALshehri (Jiri '{{Infobox academic|name=Ahmed Al-Shehri|othernames=abojody|nationality=Saudi Arabia|birth_date=17 Jul 1983|children=|birth_place=Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia|education=University of Islamic Sharia Sciences|workplaces=founder of Majrad Mubdi'oon, a media production company|image=|honorific_prefix=media personality and content creator|website=}}' kere ihü) Tag: ndezi nke anya na-ele
- 19:18, 16 Ọgọọst 2023 737Sami ṅkátá mmetara created page Khaled Al-Ajmi (Jiri '''[ Khaled Abdullah Al-Ajmi]'' and his fame {{Infobox Academy | name = Khaled Al-Ajmi | othernames = bolid | Nationality = Kuwait | Date of birth = 17 - September - 1982 | Children = Walid and Saud | birth_place = Mubarak Al-Kabeer | Education = Diploma of laboratory records | Workplaces = an employee in the Ministry of Education | image = 12waleed12booo.jpg | honorific_prefix = c...' kere ihü) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 13:52, 19 Julaị 2023 User account 737Sami ṅkátá mmetara was created automatically