Isi ndekọ ọha
Jikọtara ngosi nke ndekọ niile dị Wikipedia. Ị nwere ike imebi echiche site na ịhọrọ ụdị ndekọ, aha njirimara (nke na-emetụta ikpe), ma ọ bụ ibe emetụtara (nwekwara mmetụta gbasara ikpe).
- 17:04, 12 Septemba 2015 Liliana-60 ṅkátá mmetara deleted page Modesty uduma (wrong language content was: "Modesty Uduma (born june 26, 1986) is a" (and the only contributor was "Modesty~igwiki"))
- 17:01, 12 Septemba 2015 Liliana-60 ṅkátá mmetara deleted page Appeal block (content was: "" (and the only contributor was ""))
- 17:00, 12 Septemba 2015 Liliana-60 ṅkátá mmetara deleted page Ṅkàtá:Unblock (content was: "appeal for unblock is a wikitech and wikimedia tools, that has access in English as: but" (and the only contributor was ""))
- 17:00, 12 Septemba 2015 Liliana-60 ṅkátá mmetara deleted page Appeal unblock (content was: "Appeal unblock" (and the only contributor was ""))
- 16:58, 12 Septemba 2015 User account Liliana-60 ṅkátá mmetara was created automatically