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Acecarbromal molecule ball

Acecarbromal (INN) (aha aha Sedamyl, Abasin, Carbased, Paxarel, Sedacetyl, ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ), nke a makwaara dị ka acetylcarbromel na acetyladalin, bụ ọgwụ na-eme ka mmadụ kwụsị ma na-emebi ureide (acylurea) nke Bayer chọpụtara na 1917 nke a na-ere na United States na Europe.[1][2] A na-ejikwa ya na ngwakọta nke quebracho na vitamin E dị ka ọgwụgwọ maka dysfunction na eme Ihe ziri ezi ntụziaka oriri ụkwụ erectile n'okpuru aha Afrodor na Europe.[3][4][5] Acecarbromal nwere njikọ na barbiturates, nke bụ ureas cyclized.[6] A naghị atụ aro iji ya mee ihe ogologo oge n'ihi na ọ nwere ike ịkpata nsị bromine.[6]

  • Ịgba chaa chaa
  • Carbromal


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  1. (14 November 2014) The Dictionary of Drugs: Chemical Data: Chemical Data, Structures and Bibliographies. Springer, 2–. ISBN 978-1-4757-2085-3. 
  2. (January 2000) Index Nominum 2000: International Drug Directory. Taylor & Francis, 4–. ISBN 978-3-88763-075-1. 
  3. (19 June 1998) European Drug Index: European Drug Registrations, Fourth Edition. CRC Press, 36–. ISBN 978-3-7692-2114-5. 
  4. (1995) "Treatment for potency problems with Afrodor 2000". Acta Chirurgica Hungarica 35 (1–2): 87–92. PMID 8659243. 
  5. (January 1999) "[Secondary erectile dysfunction. Is oral medication in the diagnostic phase indicated?]". Der Urologe. Ausg. A 38 (1): 56–9. DOI:10.1007/s001200050246. PMID 10081103. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Williams (January 2002). Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 380–. ISBN 978-0-683-30737-5.