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Àtụ:Infobox royaltyAhmose-Nebeta (ma ọ bụ Ahmose-Nebta) bụ ada eze Ijipt n'oge ngwụcha usoro eze nke iri na asaa nke Ijipt na ngwụcha Oge etiti nke Abụọ. O yikarịrị ka ọ bụ ada Seqenenre Tao na Queen Ahhotep I. Ọ bụ nwanne Fero Ahmose nke Mbụ nke bụ onye malitere usoro eze nke iri na asatọ.

Ahmose-Nebeta (Ijipt oge ochie: Jꜥḥms-NbtꜢ "Nwa Iah (ọnwa) - Nwanyị nke Ala") bụ ada Seqenenre Tao.[1] O nwere ike lụọ nwanne ya nwoke Ahmose nke Mbụ, mana nwanne ya nwanyị Ahmose-Nefertari bụ nnukwu nwunye eze.

Ihe akaebe

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Louvre E 15682 (na-adịghị ike)

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Ihe oyiyi nke nwa okorobịa nọ ọdụ nke a maara dị ka Nwa Eze Ukwu Ahmose, nke nwere aha eze Seqenenre (aha n'azụ na n'ihu n'akụkụ aka ekpe), kwukwara banyere Nwa Eze Ukwuu Ahmose. [1] [2][3] Ọ nwere ike izo aka na Ahmose-Nebetta, mana aha-element Nebetta na-efu ma nwee aha dị iche. Aha ya anọghị na cartouche.

Ihe akaebe Ndị Na-abụghị nke Oge A

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A na-egosi Ahmose-Nebetta n'ili nke Inherkau (TT359) nke sitere na Dynasty nke 20 dị ka otu n'ime "Ndị nwe West". A na-egosi ya n'ahịrị dị n'elu n'azụ Ahmose-Tumerisy na n'ihu Ahmose Sapair.

Scene from the tomb of Inherkau dating to the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt. Top row, right to left: Amenhotep I, Ahmose I, Ahhotep I, Ahmose-Meritamun, Sitamun, Siamun?, Ahmose-Henuttamehu, Ahmose-Tumerisy, Ahmose-Nebetta, Ahmose Sapair. Bottom row, right to left: Ahmose-Nefertari, Ramesses I, Mentuhotep II, Amenhotep II, Seqenenre Tao, Ramose?, Ramesses IV, ?, Tuthmosis I.

Ihe odide

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  1. Paris, Louvre Museum E 15682
  2. https://collections.louvre.fr/ark:/53355/cl010006725
  3. https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/1/inscription/2895#22421