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Asụsụ ndị Pomoan

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Asụsụ '/'pOʊmOʊ/', ma ọ bụ Pomo /ˈpoʊmoʊ/, [1] bụ obere ezinụlọ nke asụsụ asaa sitere n'ebe ugwu California nke Ndị Pomo na-asụ, ndị nna nna ha bi na ndagwurugwu nke Osimiri Russia na ọdọ mmiri Clear. Asụsụ anọ adịghịzi, asụsụ niile dị ndụ ma e wezụga Kashaya nwere ihe na-erughị mmadụ iri na-asụ ya.

Ebe a na-ekesa ya

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John Wesley Powell, onye bụ onye mbụ kọwara oke ezinụlọ, kwuru na ókè ya bụ Oke Osimiri Pasifik dị n'ebe ọdịda anyanwụ, ókèala Wintuan dị na Ndagwurugwu Sacramento n'ebe ọwụwa anyanwụ, onye isi Osimiri Russia n'ebe ugwu, na Bodega. Isi na Santa Rosa nke dị ugbu a na ndịda (Powell 1891: 87-88). Naanị North Eastern Pomo esoghị na asụsụ Pomoan ndị ọzọ, ebe mpaghara ndị na-asụ Wintuan kewapụrụ ya.

Mmekọrịta dị n'ime asụsụ

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Asụsụ asaa nke Pomoan na-egosi nkesa ha tupu ha enwee mmekọrịta na California. N'ime ndị na-asụ asụsụ ndị a ugbu a, ọtụtụ bi n'otu ebe ahụ.

Pomoan bụ ezinụlọ nke asụsụ asaa. John Wesley Powell bụ onye mbụ ghọtara mmekọrịta ha na ibe ha, onye tụrụ aro ka a kpọọ ha "Ezin Kulanapan" (Powell 1891). Dị ka ọtụtụ n'ime atụmatụ aha Powell, ọkachasị maka asụsụ California, a leghaara "Kulanapan" anya. N'ọnọdụ ya, Pomo, [2] okwu ndị India na ndị ọcha na-eji maka Northern Pomo, gbatịkwuru iji tinye ndị ọzọ n'ezinụlọ ahụ.

Samuel Barrett (1908) bu ụzọ mara asụsụ asaa ahụ dị ka Pomo. Iji zere mgbagwoju anya, Barrett kpọrọ asụsụ ọ bụla nke Pomoan dịka ọnọdụ ala ya si dị ("Northern Pomo," "Southeastern Pomo, wdg) Nkwekọrịta aha a nwetara nkwenye zuru oke ngwa ngwa ma ka na-eji ya eme ihe n'ozuzu ya, ma e wezụga iji dochie "Kashaya" maka "Southwestern Pomo" nke Barrett. Aha asụsụ ala nke Barrett na-edugakarị ndị na-amaghị asụsụ Pomoan na echiche na-ezighi ezi na ha bụ olumba nke otu asụsụ "Pomo".

A tụwo aro ụdị mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa dị iche iche nke ezinụlọ ahụ, ọ bụ ezie na usoro n'ozuzu ya anọgidewo na-agbanwe agbanwe. Echiche nkwekọrịta dị ugbu a (cf. Mithun 1999) na-akwado osisi ahụ e gosipụtara na Oswalt (1964), nke egosiri n'okpuru ebe a.  

Echiche nkwekọrịta dị ugbu a banyere mmekọrịta dị n'ime ezinụlọ Pomoan, dabere na Oswalt (1964).

N'ụzọ bụ isi, ụdị nke nhazi ọkwa a yiri ka ewepụtara na Oswalt na McLendon's "Okwu mmalite" na isi Pomo na Heizer, ed. (1978) na Campbell (1997). Onye mgbagha kacha mkpa bụ Abraham M. Halpern, otu n'ime ndị ọkà mmụta asụsụ ole na ole kemgbe oge Barrett na-anakọta data ntụnyere na asụsụ Pomoan niile.

Nhazi Halpern dị iche na nke Oswalt nke kachasị na ntinye nke North Eastern Pomo. Kama iwere ya ka ọ bụrụ alaka ụlọ ọrụ kwụụrụ onwe ya, Halpern chịkọtara ya na asụsụ nke alaka "Western" nke Oswalt. Ọ tụrụ aro na ọ ga-ekwe omume na North Eastern Pomo na-anọchite anya mbugharị na nso nso a nke otu n'okpuru Northern Pomo (Halpern 1964; Golla 2011: 106-7).

Asụsụ Mbụ

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Nrụzigharị Proto-Pomo site na McLendon (1973): [3]

Proto-Pomo reconstructions by McLendon (1973)
gloss Proto-Pomo
acorn *biʔdú
afraid, to be *kʰiˑyá, *kʰiyáˑ
angelica *baʔk̓ówa
arm *ʔiˑxál(ʸ)
armpit *daˑyamá-
arrow *hic̓úˑ
arrow *baṭʰíy
ashes *hiˑnó(x̣ò)
back *bak̓oˑ
backbone *hiʔk̓i, *k̓idí
bark (of tree) *qʰahwálʸ
basket, sp. *c̓óˑy
basket, sp. *kʰiṭúˑ
basket, pack (open-woven) *buhqʰál
basket, pack (close-woven) *buhkí ?
basket, pounding *miké
bear *buˑṭáqa(lʸ)
bear, brown *limá(ˑ) ?
bee *koʔó(lʸ), *kaʔolʸó
behind, rear *siˑlí, *silíˑ
belly *ʔuhqʰá(ˑ)
below *ʔiyów
big, sg. *bahṭʰé, *bahṭʰén
big, pl. *ʔahṭʰíy, *ʔahṭíynʸ
bird *c̓iyíta ~ *c̓ihtá
bite, to *qaˑné-
blackfish *xaqʰál
blanket *ʔihxí(ˑ)
blood *baˑláy
body *xiʔbá
bone *ʔihyá(ˑ)
bow *xihmúy, *xi(ʔ)mi
brains, head, protuberance *hoʔt̓ó
bread, acorn *qʰaṭó(ˑ)
break wind *ʔihpʰéṭ-
breast, milk *xiʔdónʸ
brother, mother's *cúˑ-c̓i ~ *céˑ-c̓i
brother, older *méqi
brother, father's younger *kéqi
brother-in-law (i.e., wife's brother ?) *mahá-, *háˑ
buckeye *bahxá
buckeye nuts when soaked *dihsá
bumblebee *kʰeˑhéy
burn *maˑlí- ~ *mahlá-
bush, sp. *qȧ(h)nóˑ
buzzard *kuhkʰí
carry in hands, to *bi-ʔdíˑ-d(i)-
causative *-hqa
chaparral *seʔé
chest *yeʔélʸ
child *qaˑwí
clam *x̣alá/ú
claw *héˑc̓
cloud *qʰaʔbá(ˑ), *qʰaʔbú
clover *ʔohsó
cold *qahcíl, *qacˑi
come, to *(h)wáˑdu-
cook, bake under ashes, to *ʔihpʰá-
cottontail (rabbit) *nóˑmik
cottonwood *qaxálabʔ ~ *qáxalabʔ
coyote *doˑwí
creek *biʔdá
dance/song *qʰé
daughter-in-law *-ʔódʔ
daughter-in-law *xowmi(ˑ-c̓i)
dawn, morning *qʰaʔˑá
day *makílʸ, *maˑkí
deer/meat *bihxé
die, to *q̓alálʸ ~ *q̓alá-
directional *-lal
dirty *c̓áʔc̓a
doe *maṭʰéy
door *hohwá
dove *maˑyú, *maˑyúˑ
dream, to *qʰaʔadˑú-
drink, to *hoʔq̓ó(k)
duck *q̓aˑyán (~ *q̓ayáˑn ?)
durative *-kid-
ear *xiˑmánʸ
earth *ʔa(h)máṭ
east *ʔaxóˑ
eat, chew, to *qawá-
eat, to *kuhˑú-
egg *hik̓óˑ, *hik̓ó
elbow *q̓o/uhsá
embers, charcoal *mahsíkʔ/tʔ
enemy *kuhmá
excrement *ʔahpʰá
eye, face *huʔúy
fat *ʔihpʰúy
father *meʔˑé
father, father's *bá-ˑc̓i
father, mother's *-ká-ˑc̓i
fawn *nuhwákʔ
feather, small/down *ʔahṭʰé ~ *ʔahṭʰén ?
feather, large *hiʔˑí
fire *ʔohx̣ó
first person singular subject *haʔáˑ
first person singular object *ʔawí-toˑ
first person singular possessive prefix *ʔawí-
first personal plural subject *awá-ya
first personal plural object *ʔawá-ya-l
fish *ʔahxá
five *ṭuhxo
flea *ʔiˑméla
flesh *c̓iʔˑí
flint *qʰahká
fly, to (1) *hakˑá- ( ?)
fly, to (2) *pʰudí-
fly, n. *c̓amolʸ
food *maʔá
foot *qʰaˑmánʸ
forehead *diˑlé
forest, deep, dense (hence shaded) *xiˑyó
fox (1) *haq̓áw
fox (2) *duˑcá
frog *waˑṭakʔ/qʔ
give round object *dihqá-
go, several to *pʰilá
good *q̓oʔdí
goose *lála, *hláˑla
gopher ? *ʔaˑláme
grain, grain plant *muhká
grass *qac̓ˑá
grasshopper *xahqót
hair, of head *heʔˑé, *heʔey( ?)
hair, of body, fur *cihmé ~ *ciˑme
hand *ʔatʰáˑna ~ *ʔatʰaná
hawk *k̓iyáˑ
head *kináˑlʸ, *xináˑ/lʸ, *kʰináˑ ?
hear, to *xóˑki-
hemp *mahxá
hole *hiˑmó
horn *haʔˑá
hot, to be *muht̓ám-
house *ʔahká
hunt, to *boˑʔó
imperative singular *-im
jackrabbit *ʔaˑmáˑqala
jay *c̓ayi ~ *c̓aˑyi
jealous *ʔayél
kinsman, one's own, in generations above ego *-ˑc̓i
laugh, to *kʰuwáy
leach, to *kʰeʔé-
leaf (1) *siʔṭ̓ál
leaf (2) *xihpʰa
mountain *dȧˑnó
mouth *ʔahx̣á
mud *báˑto
mudhen (?) *qʰá-c̓iyàt ~ *qʰa-c̓it
mush, acorn *ṭʰoʔó(ˑ)
mushroom (1) *hic̓éˑ
mushroom (2) *k̓aˑlál
mussel (ocean clam ?) *lȧʔq̓ó
name *ʔahxí
navel *ʔohqó-hmo
neck *q̓óyu
negative (1) *-tʰin ?
negative (2) *kʰów ~ *akʰˑów
dip net *waˑyákʔ/qʔ
new *xiˑwéy
night *duwˑé
north *kuhˑúla ( ?)
nose *hiˑlá
oak, black *yuhxíy, *lixúy
oak, live (?) *maʔk̓i(bʔ)
oak, mush *c̓ipʰa, *c̓apʰˑa
oak, sp. *wiyú
oak, white *qaʔban/l-
object case *-al ~ *-to
occiput *kʰaˑyá
on, on top of, above *wína ~ *wináˑ
one *k̓á-, *káˑ-
onion, wild *qʰaʔbat/y
optative *-ix
pain *duṭʰál
panther *yahmóṭʔ
path *hiʔdá
people, group of people, village, race *nȧhpʰó
pepperwood tree *bahˑébʔ
pepperwoodnut *bahˑé
phlegm *q̓uʔlés
pick up a non-long object, to *dihkí
pinole *yuhhú(ˑ), *yuhx̣ú(ˑ) ?, *yuhhúy, *yuhx̣úyʔ
pitch *qʰahwé, *qʰahwé
plural act (1) *-lV-
plural act (2) (with extent?) *-ma
plural number *-aya
poison, poisoning song *q̓oˑʔó ~ *q̓oʔóˑ
poison oak *hmaˑṭi̇́yu ~ *maˑṭi̇́yuho ?
potato, Indian *hiʔbúnʸ
pregnant *wiˑní
quail *xaqáˑqa
quail topknot *qʰéya ~ *ʔehqʰéya
raccoon *qʰaʔdús ~ *qʰahlús ?
rain *kehkʰé(ˑ) ~ *ihkʰé
raw/alive *qa(h)xó-
reciprocal *~(h)ma(ˑ)k̓ ~ *-ma(ˑ)k̓-
reciprocal relationship *-a(ˑ)q
rectum *haṭ̓á, *(ṭ̓i ?)
reed, sp. *c̓iwíx
reflexive *-i(ˑ)k̓i
rib *misˑá(ˑ)kʔ
ridge/mountain *wixálʸ
rock *qʰaʔbé
salt (1) *ṭaʔq̓o
salt (2) *kʰeʔéˑ
sand/gravel *miˑṭákʔ
saw apart, to *xuqʰáˑ-
seaweed, edible *ʔoˑṭóno
second person singular subject *ʔaˑmá
second person singular object *míˑ-to ~ *mí-to ~ *mi-tó
second person singular possessive prefix *mi-
second person plural subject *ʔaˑmá-ya
second person plural object *ʔaˑmá-ya-l
see *kád-, *káˑd-
seed * ?isóˑ, *ʔisóy
semelfactive *-ki-
sentence connective (1) *-pʰila
sentence connective (2) *-pʰi
sentence connective (3) *-in
separate from someone, to *q̓á(ˑ), *q̓a-(m-)(h)mak̓
shoulder *c̓uwáˑ
sibling, younger *ṭ̓áqi
sinew *hiˑmá
sister, father's *múc̓i ~ *múˑc̓i ~ *wéˑqi
sister, mother's older *ṭʰúˑc̓
sister, mother's younger *xéˑqi
sister, older *déˑqi
sister's husband *kóˑdʔ, *qóˑdʔ ?
sit, to *ká-
sit down, to *kahkí-
six *lanká, *káci
skin *ćʔdá
skunk *nupʰéṭ
sky *qalí, *qalínʸ
sleep, to *siˑmán
slow *pʰaláˑ
slug *paʔláˑ
smoke *ʔohx̣ósa(xà), *saxá
snot *hiˑlásu
snow *ʔihyúlʸ
soaproot *haʔˑá(ˑ)bʔ
son-in-law *hkéye
sour *móc̓ ~ *móˑc̓
south *ʔiyó
speculative *-xe-
spider *ʔikʰáˑ, *mikʰá, *ikʰá
spit *ʔihqʰetʔ
spleen *maṭ́éˑ
spring (of water) *(qʰa) qahpʰá
squirrel *kuˑmáṭʔ, *qumáṭ
stink, to *mihxé
stop doing, to *-hyéˑ-
stories, myths, to tell *maṭúˑ
string *suˑlímaṭʔ
suckerfish *xamólʸ
sun *haʔdá
sweat *mikʰˑéq
tail *hibá
talk, to *kȧhnów
tears *huʔuy-qʰà(ˑ)
testicles *yȧqolʸ
thing *á(ˑ)maˑ
third person masculine singular subject *hamíyabʔ
third person masculine singular object *hamíˑb-al
third person feminine singular subject *hamíyadʔ
third person feminine singular object *hamíˑd-al
third person singular possessive prefix *hamíyaˑ-
throat *mihyánʸ
tick *aṭ̓aʔláˑ
tongue *haʔbálʸ ~ *hawba(ˑ) ~ *hibʔa
tooth *hȧʔˑo
tree *qʰaˑlé
tule, round *bakóˑ
tule sprout *ṭʰiʔbéˑ
two *ʔaqʰóc
umbilicus *ʔohqó
uphill *dȧnóˑ
valley, clearing *qahqó
walk, to *hwáˑd-, *wáˑd-
water *ʔahqʰá
west (1) *mihila, *mix̣ila
west (2) *bóˑ
what *(baˑ)q́o(ˑ)
whistle *li(?)búˑ
white *qahlé
wildcat *dȧˑlóm(ʔ)
wind *ʔihyá
winter *qʰu(ʔ)c̓áˑ-
wolf *cihméwa ~ *ciméwa
woman *ʔimáˑta
wood *ʔahx̣áy
wood duck *waṭá-
wood rat *mihyóqʔ
worm (1) *biˑlá
worm (2) *ʔikʰólʸ
  • Boontling - asụsụ Bekee e wuru ewu na-etinye okwu Pomo
  • Central, Northern na Southern Pomo Language Apps dị na Ụlọ Ahịa App. Southern Pomo nwere ngwa 2 ugbu a. Otu a na-akpọ Learn Southern Pomo - mkpụrụ akwụkwọ na otu a na- bingaka Southern Pomo Language - Intro.

Ihe edeturu

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  1. Laurie Bauer, 2007, The Linguistics Student’s Handbook, Edinburgh
  2. The etymology of the term "Pomo" is complex. It seems to be a combination of the Northern Pomo words [pʰoːmoː], "at red earth hole" and [pʰoʔmaʔ] (containing [pʰo-], "reside, live in a group"), together suggesting "those who live at red earth hole" (Campbell 1997:397, citing McLendon & Oswalt 1978:277)
  3. McLendon, Sally. 1973. Proto Pomo. (University of California publications in linguistics, 71.) Berkeley: University of California Press.


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  • Barrett, Samuel A. (1908). The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and Neighboring Indians. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 6. [1]Templeeti:Dead link[<span title="&nbsp;Dead link tagged January 2018">permanent dead link</span>]
  • Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press. Templeeti:ISBN.
  • Goddard, Ives (Ed.). (1996). Languages. Handbook of North American Indians (W. C. Sturtevant, General Ed.) (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. Templeeti:ISBNISBN 0-16-048774-9.
  • Golla, Victor. (2011). California Indian Languages. Berkeley: University of California Press. Templeeti:ISBNISBN 978-0-520-26667-4.
  • McLendon, Sally & Robert L. Oswalt (1978). "Pomo: Introduction". In California, ed. Robert F. Heizer. Vol. 8 of Handbook of North American Indians, ed. William C. Sturtevant, pp. 274–88. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Templeeti:ISBNISBN 978-0-16-004574-5.
  • Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Templeeti:ISBNISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); Templeeti:ISBN.
  • Powell, John Wesley. (1891). Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico. Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 7:1-142. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. [2]
  • Chestnut (1902). Plants used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California. Government Printing Office. Retrieved on 24 August 2012. 

Njikọ mpụga

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