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Gọọmentị Queensland Standard Imperial Bushel. Ebe Ngosi Ihe Mgbe Ochie nke Queensland
Ihe ọmụma n'ozuzu
Usoro nke otu omenala nke alaeze ukwu na USOmenala US
Otu nke  mpịakọta
Ihe nnọchianya bsh, bu 
Mgbanwe (ndị eze ukwu)
1 imp bsh na ...   ... bụ otu ...
ndị eze ukwu    8 galọn alaeze ukwu    
   unit metric 36,368L="margin-left:.25em;">72 L    
U.S. Akọrọ    8.2565 US dry gallons    
Mmiri US    9.6076 US liquid gallons    
ndị eze ukwu / US    2219.36 cu na     
Ntụgharị (US)
1 US bsh na ...   ... bụ otu ...
U.S. Akọrọ    8 US dry gallons    
unit metric    35.2391 L    
Mmiri US    9.3092 US liquid gallons    
ndị eze ukwu    7,7515 imperial gallons    
ndị eze ukwu / US    2150.42 cu na     
A na-anọchite anya bushel zuru ezu site na nkata dị n'okpuru aka nri.

A bushel (mbiri: bsh. ma ọ bụ bu.) bụ otu olu nke alaeze ukwu na nke US dabere na nha mbụ nke ike nkụ. Osisi ochie ahụ hà nhata kennings 2 (anaghị adị), pecks 4, ma ọ bụ galọn akọrọ 8, a na-ejikarị ya eme ihe maka ọrụ ugbo, dị ka ọka wit. Na ojiji nke ọgbara ọhụrụ, olu bụ aha aha, yana bushels na-egosi oke akọwara n'ụzọ dị iche maka ngwa ahịa ọ bụla.

A na-ejikwa aha "bushel" sụgharịa ihe ndị yiri ya na usoro nyocha ndị ọzọ.

Okwu ahụ bụ "bushel" dị ka e jiribu ya mee akpa n'onwe ya, ma emesịa otu nha nha. Aha a sitere na Old French boissiel na buissiel, nke pụtara "obere igbe". Ọ nwere ike nwetakwu site na Old French boise, si otú a pụtara "obere butt".[1]

Akụkọ ihe mere eme

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

The bushel is an intermediate value between the pound and ton or tun that was introduced to England following the Norman Conquest. Norman statutes made the London bushel part of the legal measure of English wine, ale, and grains. The Assize of Bread and Ale credited to Henry<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwRg"> </span>III, Àtụ:Circa, defined this bushel in terms of the wine gallon, while the Àtụ:Circa Assize of Weights and Measures usually credited to Edward<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwUA"> </span>I or II defined the London bushel in terms of the larger corn gallon. In either case, a London bushel was reckoned to contain 64 pounds, 12 ounces, 20 pennyweight, and 32 grains.

Ihe ndị a dabere na pound ụlọ elu dị mfe ma jiri ya mee ihe na Scotland, Ireland, ma ọ bụ Wales n'oge Middle Ages. Mgbe e wepụrụ usoro ụlọ elu ahụ na narị afọ nke iri na isii, a kọwapụtara bushel dị ka pound iri ise na isii. 

bushel nke alaeze ukwu  guzobere site na Weights and Measures Act nke 1824 kọwara bushel dị ka ọnụ ọgụgụ nke 80 avoirdupois pound nke mmiri distilled na ikuku na 62 ma ọ bụ 8 imperial gallons.   Nke a bụ bushel na-eji eme ihe na United Kingdom. Ya mere, ọ dịghị ihe dị iche n'etiti mmiri na mmiri na usoro alaeze ukwu.   [<span title="The material near this tag may use weasel words or too-vague attribution. (August 2018)">according to whom?</span>]

The Winchester bushel is the volume of a cylinder Àtụ:Cvt in diameter and Àtụ:Cvt high, which gives an irrational number of approximately 2150.4202 cubic inches. The modern American or US bushel is a variant of this, rounded to exactly 2150.42 cubic inches, less than one part per ten million less. It is also somewhat in use in Canada.[Tinye edensibịa][citation needed]

N'iji Bekee eme ihe, Bushel bụ nkata willow nwere nha a na-ejighị n'aka. Igbe ahụ dị gburugburu. Ihe ndị dị n'ime ya bụ: Obosara 12 sentimita, obosara 18 sentimita, ịdị elu 12 sentimita. Otu nkata jupụtara n'elu bụ bushel. A na-ewere nkata jupụtara n'elu ma jupụta n'elu ebe ọ na-asọba dị ka bushel na peck, ihe mmesapụ aka (echiche yiri nke onye na-eme achịcha iri na abụọ). N'ihi ya, abụ ochie "M hụrụ gị n'anya, bushel na peck...." pụtara "M jupụtara n'ịhụnanya maka gị".Mgbe ụfọdụ, a na-eme nkata ahụ sentimita iri na atọ n'ịdị elu, mana na-eji mgbanaka nke "ịga ije" (usoro ịkpa ákwà willow pụrụ iche) iji gosi ịdị elu nke sentimita iri abụọ.


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
1 bushel nke alaeze ukwu = 8 galọn alaeze ukwu
= 4 alaeze ukwu pecks
= 36,36872 lita
≈ 8.25645 US dry gallons
≈ 9,60760 US fluid gallons
≈ 2219.36 cubic sentimita
≈ 1,28435 cubic feetụkwụ cubic
1 US bushel [2]  = 8 US dry gallons
= 4 U.S. pecks
= 2150.42 cubic sentimita
= 1,24446 cubic feet
= 35.23907016688 lita
≈ 9.3092 US fluid gallons
≈ 7,7515 imperial gallons
Tebụl nke ịdị arọ sitere n'aka ndị odeakwụkwọ nke steeti dị iche iche, na-egosi ọnụ ọgụgụ nke pound nke iwu ha ghọtara dị ka bushel nke isiokwu dị iche iche.

A na-ejikarị Bushels eme ihe ugbu a dị ka ihe dị arọ ma ọ bụ ịdị arọ karịa nke olu. Bushels ebe a na-azụta ma na-ere ọka n'ahịa ma ọ bụ na elevator ọka dị n'ógbè ahụ, na maka akụkọ banyere mmepụta ọka, niile bụ nkeji nke ịdị arọ.[3] A na-eme nke a site n'inye ihe ọ bụla a ga-atụle na bushels. Bushels ndị a na-adabere na ngwaahịa ndị a na'atụle, na mmiri dị n'ime ngwaahịa ahụ. Ụfọdụ n'ime ndị a na-ahụkarị bụ:

  • Oats:
    • US: 32 lb[3] (14.5150 kg)   
    • Canada: 34 lb (15.4221 kilogram) [4]  
  • Barley: 48 lb[3] (21,7724 kg)   
  • Barley a na-eme ka ọ dị mma: 34 lb (15.4221 kilogram)   
  • Mkpụrụ ọka a na-akpọ shell (ọka) na 15.5% mmiri site na ịdị arọ: 56 lb[3] (25.4012 kg)   
  • Ọka wit na 13.5% mmiri site na ịdị arọ: 60 lb[3] (27.2155 kg)   
  • Soya na 13% mmiri site na ịdị arọ: 60 lb[5] (27.2 kg)   

A kọwapụtara ụkpụrụ ndị ọzọ akọwapụtara (na nkọwa ndị ahụ nwere ike ịdịgasị iche n'ime ikike dị iche iche, gụnyere site na steeti ruo steeti na United States) maka ọka ndị ọzọ, mkpụrụ mmanụ, mkpụrụ osisi, akwụkwọ nri, coal, ntutu na ọtụtụ ngwa ahịa ndị ọzọ..

Iwu gọọmentị na United States bụ iwepụ nkeji dịka bushel ma jiri metric mass dochie ha.[6]

Ndị ọzọ

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Bushel German bụ Scheffel. A Prussian scheffel bụ 54.96 litres.[7]

A na-eji bushel (korzec) Polish mee ihe dị ka ihe atụ nke ikike akọrọ. E kewara ya na 4 quarters (ćwierć) ma na mmalite narị afọ nke 19 nwere uru nke 128 litres na Warsaw na 501.116 litres na Kraków.  

A na-eji bushel (fanega) nke Spain mee ihe dị ka ihe na-eme ka ikike akọrọ. Ọ fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ lita 55.5 na Castile.

Welsh hobbit bụ otu ihe na bushels abụọ na ọkara mgbe ejiri ya mee ihe maka olu; mgbe ejiri ya tụọ ịdị arọ hobbit na-adabere na ọka a na-atụ.

  • Coomb (otu)
  • Hobbit (otu)
  • Lamp n'okpuru bushel
  • Ihe ọ̀tụ̀tụ̀ Winchester

Ebem si dee

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  1. {{citation}}: Empty citation (help).
  2. Judson (1963). Weights and Measures Standards of the United States. Department of Commerce: NBS Special Publication, 35. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 William J. Murphy. Tables for Weights and Measurement: Crops. University of Missouri Extension. Archived from the original on 25 May 2007. Retrieved on 18 December 2008. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; name "G4020" defined multiple times with different content
  4. Marketing Oats in Canada http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sis10952
  5. Calculating Harvest Yields. Purdue University. Retrieved on 2021-09-25.
  6. 48 CFR § 611.002-70 - Metric system implementation: US 1988 law on metrification. Cornell Law School. Retrieved on 2021-09-25.
  7. Lowis D'Aguilar Jackson (1882). Modern Metrology.