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Danielle Dean

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Danielle Dean (akpa 1982) bụ onye na-ese ihe nkiri Britain-American.  Ọ na-arụ ọrụ na ịbịaru, nrụnye, na-egosi na vidiyo.  O meela ihe ngosi na London na United States;  ọrụ ya egwu na ihe ngosi na Hammer Museum na- anya anya na ndị na-ese ihe ọhụrụ ma ọ bụ ndị a na-ama na-arụ ọrụ na Los Angeles[1] [2]

Ndụ mmalite na agụmakwụkwọ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Dean iya BA na nka nka site na Central Saint Martins na London na 2006, wee mechaa MFA na California Institute of Arts na 2012. [1] Na 2012 ọ bụ onye na-ese ihe na-ebi na Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture na  Maine, na 2013 bụ nke usoro ọkụ ihe onwe onye nke Whitney Museum of Art na New York City ;  n'etiti 2014 na 2016 ọ bụ onye na-ese ihe na-ebi na Museum of Fine Arts nke Houston, Texas[3]

Ọrụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Ozi Dean na-egosi "nchịkọta nke uche na ahụ site na mgbasa ozi na iwu omenala, na-etinye ha na nchịkọta ego."  [1] Dean sonye na 2022 Whitney Biennial afọ "Kwụsị ka E Debere Ya" nke Adrienne Edwards na David Breslin chepụtara. [4]

Nchịkọta[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Ụbọchị ya na mkpokọta na Hammer Museum, [1] Stedelijk Museum, Whitney Museum na Kadist Foundation .  [2] [3] a tụlekwara ya n'akwụkwọ dị ka ArtForum na ARTnews [5]

Nkuzi[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Dean ugbu a bụ onye prọfesọ osote na Visual Art na Mahadum California, San Diego .  [1] Ọ bụ mbụ na California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CA.[6]

Ihe ngosi Solo[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • 2012 - nkwupụta na ala ịgba egwu, The Bindery Projects, Minnesota, MN, US
  • 2012 - PTL (Onye hụrụ oge n'anya) na Commonwealth na Council, Los Angeles, CA, US [7]
  • 2015 - Hexafluorosilicic na Commonwealth na Council, Los Angeles, CA, US [8]
  • 2015 - Lekwasịrị anya: Danielle Dean, The Studio Museum na Harlem, New York, NY [9] [10]
  • 2017 - akpụkpọ ụkwụ, ekwentị, nnukwu ụlọ, Commonwealth na Council, Los Angeles, CA, US [11]
  • 2018 - Ezi mbibi uhie uhie, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, MI [12] [13]
  • 2018 - Ala (ihe ngosi mmadụ abụọ), Cubitt Gallery, London, UK
  • 2018 - Eserese nke Ezi Red, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI [14]
  • 2018 - Bazar, 47 Canal, New York, NY
  • 2019 – Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen [15]
  • 2022 - Art Ugbu a, Amazon, Tate Britain, London, England
  • 2023 - Ogologo ahịrị dị ala, oge etiti abalị , Times Square Arts, New York, NY

Ihe nrite[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • Ihe nrite Rema Hort Mann Foundation, New York, 2014 [16]
  • Isi obodo okike, ihe nrite nka nka, New York, 2015 [17]
  • Ogologo ihe nrite, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, 2016 [18] </link>[ <span title="The material near this tag failed verification of its source citation(s). (February 2019)">Nnwapụta dara ada</span> ]

Ntụaka[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  1. Finkel. "Artists Named For Hammer Biennial", New York Times, February 19, 2014.
  2. Butler (2014). Made in L.A. 2014. Munich and Los Angeles: Delmonico, an imprint of Prestel and Hammer Museum. 
  3. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named studio
  4. Mitter. "Whitney Biennial Picks 63 Artists to Take Stock of Now", The New York Times, 2022-01-25. Retrieved on 2022-01-25. (in en-US)
  5. Howe (2018-11-01). Danielle Dean (en-US). ARTnews.com. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  6. 2016-2017 Visiting Faculty (en-US). CalArts School of Art. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  7. Commonwealth and Council. www.commonwealthandcouncil.com. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.
  8. Danielle Dean: Hexafluorosilicic. L.A. Weekly. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.
  9. Villarreal. The Studio Museum delves into the many tones and gradations of "black" in its fall/winter exhibition season (en). artdaily.com. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.
  10. Focus (en). The Studio Museum in Harlem (2017-09-11). Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  11. Campbell (2017-02-04). Commonwealth and Council (en-US). www.artforum.com. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  12. Danielle Dean True Red Ruin (en-US). MOCAD. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  13. Matthew Biro on Danielle Dean (en-US). www.artforum.com. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  14. Danielle Dean: A Portrait of True Red | Cranbrook Art Museum. cranbrookartmuseum.org. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  15. Ludwig Forum (en-US). Ludwig Forum. Retrieved on 2020-05-04.
  16. "Rema Hort Mann Foundation Announces 2014 Los Angeles Emerging Artist Grantees", artforum.com. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.
  17. Announcing the 2015 Creative Capital Artists: $4,370,000 Awarded to 46 Moving Image and Visual Arts Projects - Creative Capital Blog. blog.creative-capital.org. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.
  18. Danielle Dean (en-US). www.remahortmannfoundation.org. Rema Hort Mann Foundation. Archived from the original on 2017-06-21. Retrieved on 2017-03-11.

Njikọ mpụga[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • Official website
  • Danielle Dean on Instagram