Katholische Landjugendbewegung

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  Ndị ntorobịa ime obodo Katọlik nke Germany (CARYM) (German: Katholische Landjugendbewegung Deutschlands, KLJB) bụ ọgbakọ ntorobịa Katọlik nke na-arụkarị ọrụ n'ime ime obodo na Germany.

.[1]E hiwere mmegharị ahụ n'afọ 1947 n'ime nzukọ nche anwụ nke oge a bụ Union of German Catholic Youth (German: Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend, BDKJ). N'afọ ndị mbụ, aha KLJB bụ "Action of the village youth" (German: Aktion Landjugend).[1] Isi omume n'ime afọ ntọala bụ "nzukọ ime obodo" iji kwurịta nhazi ime obodo na ọnọdụ ọha na eze n'ime obodo ndị dị n'ime ime obodo. Ndị otu KLJB chepụtara ebumnobi agụmakwụkwọ ise n'afọ ndị 1950 wee họrọ onye nkwado otu ahụ Nicholas nke Flüe. N'ime oge ahụ, MIJARC (French: Mouvement Internationale de la Jeunesse Agricole et Rurale Catholique) tọrọ ntọala dị ka mba "Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth Movement" (CARYM). KLJB bụ otu n'ime ndị ntọala ya. N'afọ 1961, ọgbakọ nche anwụ nke KLJB BDKJ kpebiri iwulite KLJB ka ọgbakọ gọọmenti etiti kwụụrụ onwe ya na Germany na inwe ya dịka otu n'ime otu ndị otu na BDKJ. Aha nke mbụ "Action nke ndị ntorobịa ime obodo" mechara bụrụ aha ya taa

.Ya na ndị otu 70,000 KLJB bụ otu n'ime mmegharị ndị ntorobịa kachasị na Germany. Nzukọ a na-agba mbọ na otu puku na narị iteghete ya maka ọdịmma ndị ntorobịa ime obodo na chọọchị, ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị na ọha mmadụ. Ndị otu KLJB bụ ndị ntorobịa na ndị ntorobịa nwere afọ iri na anọ ma ọ bụ karịa. N'ụfọdụ ọgbakọ dayọsis nke KLJB enwekwara ohere maka ndị na-eto eto ịbụ onye otu. Malite n'ọkwa obodo ruo na diocesan na gọọmenti etiti, ihe karịrị ndị ntorobịa 5,000 na-etinye aka n'afọ ofufo na KLJB dị ka ndị isi nke otu mpaghara, na mmemme ndị otu na-ahazi na akụkụ nke KLJB. Ụlọ ọrụ gọọmenti etiti nke KLJB dị na Bad Honnef-Rhöndorf na North Rhine-Westphalia.

)[2]KLJB bụ onye otu na nzukọ nche anwụ ya Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BDKJ), [1] onye otu Climate-Alliance Germany[2] na onye ndụmọdụ ndụmọdụ na German Agrarbündnis.[3]  A na-anọchi anya mmasị ya nke Europe na nke zuru ụwa ọnụ na International Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth Movement (MIJARC).

.Patron bụ onye senti mba Switzerland, Nicholas nke Flüe, onye ụbọchị onye nsọ ya bụ na 25 Septemba. KLJB na-arụkọ ọrụ ọnụ na German Catholic Rural People's Movement (German: Katholische Landvolkbewegung), nke ndị òtù KLJB toro eto tọrọ ntọala mgbe oge ha nọ na mmegharị ntorobịa.

  • Alois Glück (German politician, Christian Social Union in Bavaria, former member and president of the Bavarian Landtag, former president of the Central Committee of German Catholics)[3]
  • Josef Miller (German politician, Christian Social Union in Bavaria, former member of the Bavarian Landtag (1986–2014), former Bavarian State Minister for Nutrition, Agriculture and Forest (1998–2008))
  • Gerd Müller (German politician, Christian Social Union in Bavaria, Member of the German Bundestag, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development since 2013)[4]
  • Marianne Schieder (German politician, Social Democratic Party of Germany, Member of the German Bundestag (since 2005), former Federal chairwoman of KLJB)[5]
  • Theo Waigel (German politician, Christian Social Union in Bavaria, former member of the German Bundestag (1972–2002), German Federal Minister of Finance (in office 21 April 1989 – 27 October 1998))[6]
  1. Katholische Landjugendbewegung Deutschlands. katholisch.de. Retrieved on 6 March 2018.
  2. Member organizations of MIJARC Europe. mijarceurope.net. Retrieved on 3 March 2018.
  3. Interview with Alois Glück. deutschlandfunk.de (27 April 2017). Retrieved on 4 March 2018.
  4. Augsburger Allgemeine. augsburger-allgemeine.de (3 June 2017). Retrieved on 3 March 2018.
  5. Marianne Schieder at abgeordnetenwatch.de. Abgeordnetenwatch. Retrieved on 7 March 2018.
  6. Jugendhilfeportal. jugendhilfeportal.de (6 March 2018). Retrieved on 28 February 2018.