Lisa Bloom

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Lisa Bloom
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịNjikota Obodo Amerika Dezie
Aha enyereLisa Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaBloom Dezie
Ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya20 Septemba 1961 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụPhiladelphia Dezie
ŃnéGloria Allred Dezie
Ọrụ ọ na-arụattorney at law, Onye ntaakụkọ, onye ọka iwu Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọUniversity of California, Los Angeles, Yale Law School Dezie
Onye òtù nkePhi Beta Kappa Society Dezie
webụsaịtị Dezie

Lisa Read Bloom ( née Bray ; amụrụ Septemba 20, 1961) bụ onye ọka iwu America ama ama maka inye Harvey Weinstein ndụmọdụ n'agbanyeghị ebubo mmetọ mmekọahụ dị iche iche, nakwa ịnọchite anya ụmụ nwanyị ndị ọ bụ ebubo iyi egwu mmekọahụ ha kpalitere nchụpụ nke Bill O'Reilly pụọ na Fox News .

Bloom tọrọ ntọala ma nwee Bloom Firm, ụlọọrụ iwu nke nọchitere anya ndị mmadụ gụnyere Kathy Griffin na Mischa Barton . Bloom bụkwa onye nhazi nke Lisa Bloom: Ụlọ ikpe mepere emepe (nke bụbu Bloom na Politan: Ụlọ ikpe mepere emepe ), mmemme akụkọ gbasara iwu nke a na-eme awa abụọ na truTV 's In Session, site na 2006 ruo 2009. [1]

Bloom bụ naanị nwa [2] nke onye ọka iwu ikike obodo Gloria Allred na Peyton Huddleston Bray Jr. [3]

Mmalite ndụ na agụmakwụkwọ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

A mụrụ Bloom dika Lisa Read Bray, ada Gloria Bloom (mgbe e mesịrị, Allred) na nna ya bu[4] Peyton Huddleston Bray Jr. [5] Nne ya bụ onye Juu . [6] Alụmdi na nwunye nne na nna ya adịteghị aka—ha lụrụ di na nwunye ma gbaa alụkwaghịm mgbe ha nọ na mahadum. Peyton Bray, onye nwere ọrịa bipolar, mechara gbuo onwe ya, Bloom mechara were aha nne ya zara mgbe ọ dị n'agbọghọ . Mgbe Bloom dị afọ asaa, nne ya lụrụ William C. Allred. [5] [7] Bloom nwetara nzere bachelọ site na UCLA, ebe ọ gụsịrị Phi Beta Kappa ma bụrụ onye mmeri arụmụka kọleji nke mba. Ọ nwetara akara ugo mmụta JD ya na ụlọ akwụkwọ iwu Yale na 1986. [8] [9]

Ọrụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Mmalite ọrụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Mgbe ọ gụsịrị akwụkwọ na ụlọ akwụkwọ iwu, Bloom malitere ọrụ ya na New York, site na 1991, ọ rụrụ ọrụ na ụlọ ọrụ iwu nne ya, Allred, Maroko & Goldberg, [9] na-enyere aka n'ịgba akwụkwọ nke na-ahaghi nke ọma a gbara Boy Scouts nke America maka ịkpa ókè mmekọahụ n'aha Katrina Yeaw, otu nwa agbọghọ chọrọ ịbanye n'ọgbakọ ahụ. [10] Mgbe ọ nọ n'ụlọ ọrụ nne ya, Bloom gbakwara akwụkwọ mkpesa mmetọ ụmụaka megide Ụka Roman Katọlik wee gbaa ndị LAPD akwụkwọ. [11]

Ọrụ ya mgbe emesiri[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Na 2001, Bloom hapụrụ ụlọ ọrụ nne ya, ebe ọ bụ onye a zụlitere ọrụ n'ihe gbasara akụkọ ụwa n'ihe onyonyo, [9] o mechara jee ozi dị ka onye nyocha iwu na CBS News, CNN, HLN na MSNBC, wee pụta na The Early Show, Insider, Dr. Phil. , Dr. Drew, The Situation Room, Reliable Sources, The Joy Behar Show, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, and The Stephanie Miller Show. [8] [12] Bloom laghachiri n'ime ihe gbasara iwu na 2010 [9] mgbe ọ tọrọ ntọala Bloom Firm, obere ụlọ ọrụ iwu na-ahụ maka ezinụlọ, obodo na mpụ. [3] E nyere ya ikike ime iwu na New York na California . [13]

Na Bloom Firm, Bloom nọchitere anya ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ a ma ama, gụnyere ihe nlereanya na onye na-eme ihe nkiri Janice Dickinson n'okwu nkwutọ ya megide onye na-akpa ọchị Bill Cosby, yana onye nlereanya na onye na-eme ihe nkiri Mischa Barton na ikpe porn ya. [14] [15] Blac Chyna mechara goro Bloom ka ọ nweta iwu mgbochi nwa oge megide onye na-elekọta mmadụ Rob Kardashian, onye Chyna na-ekerịta nwa nwanyị, Dream. [16] N'ime ọtụtụ ebubo mmetọ mmekọahụ megide ndị ikom dị ike na ntụrụndụ na mgbasa ozi, yana ịgbaso akụkọ BuzzFeed na-akọwapụta mmezi mmekpa ahụ mmekọahụ [17] nke a na-akwụ ụgwọ site na mmefu ego ụlọ ọrụ nnọchiteanya John Conyers, Bloom nọchitere Marion Brown, onye gwara BuzzFeed okwu na ndekọ. ma emesịa bịa n'ihu ọha na-ebo ebubo iyi egwu Conyers. [18]

Ebubo eboro Bill O'Reilly maka iyi egwu mmekọahụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Na 2017 Bloom nọchiri anya ụmụ nwanyị atọ na-ebo Bill O'Reilly - onye ọrụ na God News - ebubo maka iyi egwu mmekọahụ. [19] Jehmu Greene, onye na-ekwu okwu telivishọn bụ onye pụtara na Fox News, bịakwutere Bloom na-ebo ebubo iyi egwu mmekọahụ megide O'Reilly, ọ bụ ezie na o mesịrị jụ ọrụ Bloom. [20] Otu n'ime ndị ahịa Bloom, Wendy Walsh, gbara akwụkwọ mkpesa nke dugara isi ụlọọrụ Fox News' a kpọrọ 21st Century Fox, ka ha malite nnyocha nke mere ka a chụọ O'Reilly n'ọrụ ma weta usoro ihe omume ya na njedebe. [21]

Ebubo omume rụrụ arụ e boro Donald Trump[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

N'oge ntuli aka onye isi ala US na 2016, Bloom kwere nkwa ịnọchite anya ụmụ nwanyị anọ boro ebubo mmekọahụ rụrụ arụ nke onye ndoro-ndoro ochichi onye isi ala Donald Trump mere. Abụọ n'ime ụmụ nwanyị ndị a bịara n'ihu ọha n'ihi ebubo ha, gụnyere Jill Harth na Lisa Boyne, [22] [23] mmadụ abụọ ndị na-emeghị, gụnyere otu nwanyị si Virginia [24] na nwanyị ọzọ nke kwuru na Trump dinara ya n'ike mgbe ọ dị afọ iri na atọ. [25]

Na Nọvemba 2, 2016, Bloom kagburu ogbako ndị nta akụkọ na onye ahịa a na-akpọghị aha, na-ekwu na onye ahịa ahụ na-atụ egwu n'ihi egwu ọnwụ. [25] Dị ka Bloom si kwuo, mgbe ogbako ndị nta akụkọ a gasịrị, ọtụtụ ndị na-enye onyinye kpọtụụrụ ya iji bugharịa ma chekwaa ndị eboro ebubo. Bloom chere na ọ dịịrị ya ibugara ndị ahịa ya onyinye ahụ. [26] Nwanyị Virginia ahụ kwuru na ndị nyere ya nyere ya ihe ruru $750,000, mana na ọ jụrụ onyinye ahụ. [24] Na akụkọ 2017, The New York Times chọpụtara ndị na-enye onyinye bụ ndị kpọtụrụ Bloom dị ka David Brock 's American Bridge 21st Century, nke nyere $ 200,000, na Susie Tompkins Buell, onye nyere $ 500,000. [27]

Ebubo mmekọahụ rụrụ arụ e boro Harvey Weinstein na Roy Price[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Bloom nwetara nlebara anya mgbasa ozi pụtara ìhè mgbe e boro onye na-eme ihe nkiri Harvey Weinstein ebubo mmejọ mmekọahụ na Ọktoba 2017.. Dika ọ na-ekwu na Weinstein "gọrọ agọ ọtụtụ ebubo ndị ahụ dị ka ụgha ụgha," Bloom kwetara na-adụ ọdụ Weinstein maka ike na iyi egwu, na-akpọ ya "dinosaur ochie na-amụta ụzọ ọhụrụ." [28] Ọrụ ndụmọdụ Bloom, nke ọ malitere na njedebe nke afọ 2016, [20] bụ onye a na-atụ anya ya maka nhụsianya ya na nnochite anya mbụ nke ndị e mere ihe ike n'ụzọ mmekọahụ, ebe ụfọdụ na mgbasa ozi na-akpọ nkwekọrịta mmegharị akwụkwọ ya na The Weinstein Company, bịnyeere aka na ya n'oge Weinstein na-arụkọ ọrụ ọnụ dika onyeisi oche, esemokwu nke mmasị. [29] [30]

Na October 7, 2017, ụbọchị abụọ mgbe isiokwu mbụ gbasara omume mmekọahụ rụrụ arụ na The New York Times, Bloom kwụsịrị ọrụ ndụmọdụ ya n'agbanyeghi mkpesa na esemokwu dị n'etiti ọha na eze na ụlọ ọrụ Weinstein Company. Dị ka ozi ịntanetị nwetara site na The New York Times, Bloom tụrụ aro ịjị "foto nke ọtụtụ n'ime ndị na-ebo ebubo na Harvey sere mgbe e bosiri ya ebubo ya rụrụ arụ" wee zaghachi ebubo megide Weinstein. [31] Bloom gọrọ agọ na ọ na-akpa nkata ịrụ ọrụ megide ndị ebubo ahụ. Daily Beast mechara kọọ na Bloom enyela onye nta akụkọ Ronan Farrow nyocha mmegide na otu n'ime ndị ebubo Weinstein, Rose McGowan, n'oge akụkọ nke ya na Weinstein. [20] N'akwụkwọ Farrow 2019, ọ gara n'ihu na-ekwu na Bloom ga-akọ ozi ọ bụla enwetara banyere nyocha ya nye Weinstein, na ọ kwetara na ọ bụ "ndị ya". Akwụkwọ 2019 nke ndị nta akụkọ Jodi Kantor na Megan Twohey nwere ndetu 2016 sitere na Bloom, yana nkwupụta ịgba ụgwọ 2017 maka ọrụ emere n'aha Weinstein. Akwụkwọ ndị a na-egosi etu Bloom ga-esi nyere Weinstein aka iji wee rụọ ọrụ megide ndị na-ebo ya ebubo. [32] [33]

N'oge na-adịghị anya mgbe ọ gbasịrị arụkwaghịm pụọ na ndị otu Weinstein, Bloom dabara na "onye na-eme ihe ikpa ọchị na email" James Linton na-eme ka Weinstein. N'ịzaghachi onye na-eme ihe ọchị ahụ, Bloom dere na "agba ọhụrụ nke ebubo ndị ka dị njọ bụ ndị emeghị ka m mara." Ụdị dị iche iche mechara kọọ na Bloom "maara nani ebubo nke okwu ọnụ, omume, na iwe iwe" mgbe ọ malitere inye Weinstein ndụmọdụ, na ọ maghị maka ebubo dị njọ nke mmeko nwoke na nwanyị na mmekọahụ. N'ime izu nke akụkọ mbụ na New York Times, Bloom rịọrọ mgbaghara n'ihu ọha maka ọrụ ya nke bu inye Weinstein ndụmọdụ.[34][35]

Bloom nọchitere anya onye bụbu onye isi oche ụlọ ọrụ Amazon Studios. [36] aha ya bu Roy Price n'agbanyeghị ebubo iyi egwu mmekọahụ, mana o kwuru na nnọchite anya ọnụahịa ya kwubiri tupu onye na-ebo Price ebubo Isa Hackett emee ka o wusaa n'ihu ọha mmadu. [37] Daily Beast kọrọ na Bloom, mgbe ọ na-anọchite anya Price, nwara ịkatọ Kim Masters, The Hollywood Reporter ' s Editor-at-Large, na ụlọ ọrụ mgbasa ozi na-atụle ibipụta akụkọ Masters na ebubo megide Price. Bloom boro Masters ebubo esemokwu nke mmasị maka ikpali Price ka o wee kpọsaa na ihe nkiri KCRW ya, ebubo ndị Masters gọnarịrị. [20]

Esemokwu Kathy Griffin na ọdịda[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

N'ịgbaso eserese foto 2017 nke butere ọtụtụ esemokwu ebe onye na-eme ihe mkpaọchi a kpọrọ Kathy Griffin kpuchiri ihe mkpuchi nke gbawara agbawa na ọbara nke yiri ihu nke President Donald Trump, Bloom nwere nnọkọ mkparịta ụka ya na Griffin, mgbe ahụ ọ bu onye ahịa ya, iji dozie esemokwu ahụ. [38] Ọdịiche ha juru ebe niile na mgbasa ozi maka njide onwe ya na enweghị elekwasị anya. [39] [40]

N'agbanyeghi agaghi n'ihia banyere ọrụ Bloom n'inye Harvey Weinstein ndụmọdụ, Griffin biputere ihe nkiri na Facebook na-akatọ Bloom na di ya, Braden Pollock, maka "I na-eme ka ọnọdụ m ka njọ". Griffin mechara rịọ Bloom n'ihu ọha ka ọ kwụsị ịkpọ ya wee katọọ Bloom maka "ịkwa akwụna a ma ama," nkatọ nke aro Bloom tutara maka njem mgbasa ozi na-esochi nnọkọ mgbasa ozi ha. Dika Griffin si kwuo, Bloom gbakwara ụgwọ iwu dị oke egwu, nke Griffin mere atụmatụ na ọ bụ $40,000 maka nnọchi anya ụbọchị abụọ, gụnyere onye ọka iwu na-agbachitere Dmitry Gorin, onye e boro Bloom ebubo na ọ goro ọrụ na-enweghị ikike Griffin. Na nzaghachi na nkwupụta Griffin, Bloom kwuru na ya "amaghị na enwere nsogbu" wee wepụta nkwupụta na-akatọ Griffin maka ikwu okwu n'echeghị echiche na nnọkọ mgbasa ozi ha. Otú ọ dị Bloom chọrọ nnọọ ọdịmma Griffin. [40]

N'ịgbaso okwu Griffin kwụrụ gbasara Bloom, Tamara Holder, onye bụbu onye ahịa Bloom, na Jehmu Greene, bụ onye tụlere igo Bloom ọrụ, bịara n'ihu na nkatọ ha. Holder jigidere Bloom ka o boro Fox News Latino osote onye isi ala Francisco Cortes maka mwakpo mmekọahụ. Dika Holder si kwuo, Bloom tụpụtara nkwekọrịta njide mbụ na-enye onwe ya 40% nke mmezi ọ bụla, yana ego njigide $10,000 na nkwụghachi maka ụlọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ ọ bụla dị mkpa na mmefu njem. Agbanyeghi na Holder mechara kpakọrịta nkwekọrịta ka mma, ọ katọrọ Bloom maka ịnara puku kwuru puku dollar na ụgwọ ndị ọzọ, yana ịkwanye Holder ịnakwere iwu imezi ya na Fox News. N'akụkụ ya, Greene kpọrọ Bloom "onye na-aghọ aghụghọ" maka ịnye ya nkwekọrịta maka nnọchite mgbasa ozi mgbe nzukọ lekwasịrị anya na ọrụ iwu. Bloom zara ebubo abụọ ahụ site n'ịzọrọ na "ihe ka ọtụtụ n'ime ndị ahịa [Bloom Firm] nwere obi ụtọ na ọrụ anyị". [20]

Ikpe Martin Chitwood[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

N'October 2014, Carol Swanson Chitwood (n/k/a Carol Swanson Smith) jigidere Lisa Bloom na Bloom Firm ịchụso ebubo ime ihe ike n'ụlọ megide di ya mgbe ahụ, Martin Chitwood, onye ọka iwu ama ama n'Atlanta, onye gbara ya akwụkwọ maka ịgba alụkwaghịm na Atlanta ọnwa abụọ tupu mgbe ahụ. Mgbe ịgba alụkwaghịm ahụ ka na-eche, Bloom gbara akwụkwọ megide Martin Chitwood na California na-ekwupụta ebubo ime ihe ike n'ụlọ n'aha Carol Chitwood. Martin Chitwood gọrọ agọ ebubo ahụ, na-ekwu na ha bụ ụzọ aghụghọ iji gbochie mmanye nkwekọrịta nke ndị otu ahụ tupu alụmdi na nwunye na ịmanye mmezi.

Martin Chitwood jụrụ imezi, na August 31, 2017, mgbe e kpesiri ikpe obodo rụrụ ịzụ ise, otu ndi ọka iwu mmadụ iri na abụọ hụrụ na ọ nweghị ihe nkwupụta Bloom wetara iji megide ya. Bloom enweghị mkpesa. [41]

Ndị ọzọ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Bloom na ụlọ ọrụ ya na-anọchite anya nwoke nlereanya Jason Boyce na akwụkwọ ikpe ya megide onye na-ese foto ejiji Bruce Weber nakwa ndị ọzọ na New York State Supreme Court na December 2017. [42]

Na Mee 1, 2020, Bloom biputere na Twitter na agbanyeghị na ọ kwenyere na osote onye isi ala Joe Biden wakporo Tara Reade, ọ ka ga-akwado Biden. [43]

Ndụ onwe ya[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Bloom lụrụ di ya ugbu a, Braden Pollock, na Disemba 5, 2014. Pollock bụ onye tọrọ ntọala nke Legal Brand Marketing [44] ma na-arụ ọrụ dị ka onye njikwa Bloom Firm. [45] Ọ nọbu na bọọdụ nke ụlọ ọrụ weebụ Epik . [46] Bloom na di ya na nwa ya bi na Los Angeles. Bloom nwere ụmụaka abụọ toro eto, ada ya bu Sarah Wong Bloom na nwa nwoke ya bu Samuel "Sam/Sammy" Wong, [19] ya na di ya bụbu Jim Wong, onye nkuzi LAUSD . Onye anaghị eri anụ kemgbe ọ dị afọ iri na isii, Bloom bụ onye anaghị eri anụ kemgbe afọ 2009. [47] Bloom bụ onye Juu.

Akwụkwọ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Bloom edeela akwụkwọ atọ, nke gụnyere Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World, n'afọ 2011, na Swagger: 10 Urgent Rules for Raising Boys in an Era of Failing Schools, Mass Joblessness, nakwa Thug Culture, site n'afọ 2012. [48] [49] [50] Na mbido afọ 2017, The Weinstein Company na Jay-Z kwupụtara atụmatụ imeghari akwụkwọ Bloom's 2014, Suspicion Nation: The Inside Story of the Trayvon Martin Injustice and Why We Continue to Repeat It, n'ime usoro akwụkwọ akụkọ nwere akụkụ isii. [51] Amaghi ọkwa nke ọrụ ngo a na-eso ọgbaghara na ụlọ ọrụ Weinstein. [52]

Ebensidee[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

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  2. Solomon. "4 Things About Lisa Bloom, the Lawyer Representing Trump's Child Rape Accuser", Forward, November 3, 2016. Retrieved on November 30, 2017.
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  4. Gloria Allred: If anyone deserves it, it's Arias. HLN (May 29, 2013). Retrieved on March 27, 2015.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bennetts (June 1, 2010). Gloria Allred's Fighting Spirit. Harper's Bazaar. Retrieved on June 2, 2017. “Peyton Bray, her blue-blooded husband, became abusive and had a mental breakdown, and by the time Allred was a senior, she was a divorced single mother.”
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  8. 8.0 8.1 Lisa Bloom. AEI Speakers Bureau. Retrieved on June 2, 2017.
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  10. Bloom. "Aligning Equal Pay With The Power Of The Internet", Forbes, June 27, 2012. Retrieved on October 24, 2017.
  11. Rudolph. ""Nasty, Ugly, Gendered, Vile Threats" Won't Keep Lisa Bloom From Doing Her Job", Cosmopolitan, July 3, 2017. Retrieved on October 24, 2017.
  12. Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The Stephanie Miller Show (April 11, 2017). Retrieved on November 30, 2017.
  13. Bitette. "Who is Lisa Bloom?", New York Daily News, July 8, 2017. Retrieved on July 30, 2017.
  14. Dillon. "Janice Dickinson vows to continue lawsuit vs. Bill Cosby", New York Daily News. Retrieved on September 11, 2017.
  15. Stedman. "Mischa Barton's Lawyer Declares 'Victory' in 'Revenge Porn' Case", Variety, June 6, 2017. Retrieved on October 7, 2017.
  16. "Blac Chyna, Lisa Bloom Mum at Court, Focused on Restraining Order Against Rob Kardashian", TMZ, July 10, 2017. Retrieved on July 10, 2017.
  17. McLeod. "She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here's Why You Didn't Hear Her Story.", BuzzFeed News, November 21, 2017. Retrieved on December 1, 2017.
  18. Stump. "Rep. John Conyers' accuser Marion Brown speaks out: 'He just violated my body'",, November 30, 2017. Retrieved on December 1, 2017.
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  21. Steel (April 9, 2017). Fox Asks Law Firm to Investigate Bill O'Reilly Harassment Claim. The New York Times. Retrieved on October 7, 2017.
  22. Jill Harth Speaks Out, Stands by Story of Being Sexually Assaulted by Donald Trump. WNYC (August 11, 2016). Retrieved on January 4, 2018.
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  26. Cullins (December 15, 2013). Lisa Bloom Responds to Claims That Trump Accusers Were Paid to Come Forward. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved on January 4, 2018.
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