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N'abalị, Ọdọ Mmiri McDonald, Ogige Ntụrụndụ Glacier

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
A black-and-white photograph shows a large, still lake extending horizontally off the frame and halfway up vertically, reflecting the rest of the scene. In the distance, a mountain range can be seen, with a gap in the center and one faint smaller mountain in between. The sky is cloudy and large dark clouds rest at the very top of the frame.
Mgbede, McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park (1942)

Mgbede, McDonald Lake, Glacier National Park bụ foto ojii na ọcha nke Ansel Adams sere na 1942. Ọ bụ otu n'ime ndị otu ahụ o weghaara ọtụtụ ibu mba United States na 1941 na 1942 na usoro aha ya bụ Ansel Adams Photographs of  Ogige Ochie na Ncheta Mba, 1941-1942

[1]Edere foto a na Glacier National Park na Montana ma mmetụta nke ɔdɔ mmirika McDonald, na-ele anya n'ugwu ndị dị anya na igwe ojii.  Foto a na-egosi ịhụnanya mmiri ka na-elu n'ihu na etiti ya na kwụpụta, na-ụ ihe ndị ọzọ ebe ahụ.  N'ebe dị anya, anya ịhụ ugwu ugwu, nke nwere oghere dị n'etiti na otu ugwu dị egwu n'etiti.  Ihu igwe bụ ígwé ojii na nnukwu ígwé ojii na-anọkwa n'elu osisi ahụ

Edebere foto a na usoro Ansel Adams Foto nke National Parks and Monuments, 1941 - 1942 na National Archives na College Park.  Enwekwara akara na Library of Congress, na Washington, DC [2]


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