Nnupụisi Sayensị

Onye sayensị Rebellion bụ otu ndị ọkà mmụta sayensị mba ụwa na-ahụ maka gburugburu ebe obibi nke na-eme mkpọsa maka mbelata, ikpe ziri ezi na ihu igwe na ibelata mgbanwe ihu igwe.[1] Ọ bụ òtù nwanne nwanyị nke Extinction Rebellion.[2]
Ọ bụ netwọk nke ndị ọkà mmụta na-anwa ịkwalite mmata site na itinye aka na nnupụisi obodo na-enweghị ime ihe ike.[3]
[dezie | dezie ebe o si]E guzobere otu ahụ n'ihe dị ka Septemba 2020. Ndị ọkà mmụta sayensị na-eme ngagharị iwe dị iche iche n'oge COP26. N'abalị isii n'ọnwa Nọvemba 2021, ndị na-eme ngagharị iwe gbochiri George V Bridge, Glasgow.[4] N'ọnwa Eprel afọ 2022, ha mechiri okporo ụzọ na Berlin iji mee ngagharị iwe megide nchọpụta mmanụ na North Sea.[5]
N'ọnwa Ọgọstụ 2021, otu ahụ wepụtara akụkụ nke onyinye nke Working Group III na-esote nke isii Assessment Report (AR6) tupu nkwenye gọọmentị etiti.[6]
Foto ngosipụta ngagharị inwe dị iche iche
[dezie | dezie ebe o si]Arụmụka na mmetụta
[dezie | dezie ebe o si]Ọtụtụ ndị na-eme nchọpụta jikọtara ya na mmegharị ahụ (isii n'ozuzu) arụrịta ụka maka nnupụisi obodo site n'aka ndị ọrụ ibe ya na nkọwa n'azụ paywall, na-eche na nke a nwere ike ịkpata mgbanwe dị ịrịba ama nke echiche ọha na eze n'ihi "ikike ịkpụpụ ọtụtụ mgbagwoju anya na mgbagwoju ike" n'etiti ọha na eze, na-enweta mgbasa ozi dị ukwuu site na ntanetị.[7][8][9]
[dezie | dezie ebe o si]- Nnupụisi Mgbukpọ
Ihe odide
[dezie | dezie ebe o si]- ↑ Scientist Rebellion Demands letter.
- ↑ Cockburn. "Spain 'arrests protesting climate scientists' amid historic heatwave", The Independent, 16 June 2022. Retrieved on 5 July 2022. (in en)
- ↑ Kelly (2022). "Education in a warming world: Trends, opportunities and pitfalls for institutes of higher education". Frontiers in Sustainability 3. DOI:10.3389/frsus.2022.920375. ISSN 2673-4524.
- ↑ Thompson (18 November 2021). "Scientist Rebellion: researchers join protesters at COP26". Nature 599 (7885): 357. DOI:10.1038/d41586-021-03430-5.
- ↑ ""Scientist Rebellion" fordern Klimarevolution "jetzt!"", euronews, 6 April 2022. Retrieved on 5 July 2022. (in de)
- ↑ Hartz (4 November 2022). "Leaking the IPCC: A question of responsibility?" (in en). WIREs Climate Change. DOI:10.1002/wcc.814. ISSN 1757-7780.
- ↑ Gardner. Extinction Rebellion scientists: Why we glued ourselves to a government department (en). phys.org. Retrieved on 18 September 2022.
- ↑ "Scientists call on colleagues to protest climate crisis with civil disobedience", The Guardian, 29 August 2022. Retrieved on 18 September 2022. (in en)
- ↑ Capstick (September 2022). "Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action" (in en). Nature Climate Change 12 (9): 773–774. DOI:10.1038/s41558-022-01461-y. ISSN 1758-6798.