I am Nw520 but if there's ever the need to speak that out please feel free to abbreviate that to “Nasi” [ˈnaːzɪ].
My most active wiki would be Wikidata.
From time to time you can also find me on Wikivoyage DE, Commons and Wikipedia DE, as well as OpenStreetMap (Wiki).
A special concern of my participation in the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation and the OpenStreetMap is to link data between each project in the best possible way.
In Wikidata I mainly add membership relations, German governmental organizations and awards. Or in short: Things that look impressive in a SPARQL graph. Except inverse properties - with each new one, a part of me dies.
member count of German political parties (diagram)
no active participation, now and then only typo correction and sighting
maintenance tasks
My projects
Rsolver(). Tool for automatically resolving Wikidata entity ids from a given list of search queries. Usable and more or less finished but there are still some features I'd like to implement.
VoyageData.js(Gadget, de). Assistant for finding possibly corresponding Wikidata entities for vCards/Markers.
vCaTA.js(Gadget, de). Gadget for displaying vCard-types. Just a QOL improvement.
vCard-Assistant(). On hiatus (core functionality implemented and ready to be tested — awaiting some changes to OOUI.js): New vCard-Assistant ("listing editor") for (currently only German) Wikivoyage using OOUI for mobile support.
EntityCompare(). In development. Tabular view of Wikidata entities. Overlaps with TABernacle but is intended to focus on displaying and comparing data (or its absence) rather than editing.
Pain for Wikidata(). Private-ish thingy. If QuickStatements just don't cut it
Ubiquitous Wikidata(). Dead: Tool for viewing Wikidata entities which are connected to OpenStreetMap or which are not.
WikiOSMerged(). Dead: Will be merged into Ubiquitous Wikidata
IntertwinedMap(). Dead: Might be merged into Ubiquitous Wikidata. OpenStreetMap-based map with integration of Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.