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Fredy Perlman

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Fredy Perlman
ụdịekerenwoke Dezie
mba o sịNjikota Obodo Amerika Dezie
aha enyereFredy Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaPearlman Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya20 Ọgọọst 1934 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụBrno Dezie
Ụbọchị ọnwụ ya26 Julaị 1985 Dezie
Ebe ọ nwụrụHenry Ford Hospital Dezie
Ụdị ọnwụunnatural death Dezie
ihe kpatara ọnwụperioperative mortality Dezie
Dị/nwunyeLorraine Perlman Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaBekee Dezie
Asụsụ ọ na-edeBekee Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụonye ntughari asusu, Onye nkwusa, trade unionist, odee akwụkwọ, philosopher Dezie
onye were ọrụWestern Michigan University Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọColumbia University, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Belgrade Dezie
Ọrụ ama amaAgainst His-Story, Against Leviathan!, Letters of Insurgents, Plunder, The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism Dezie
Onye òtù nkeIndustrial Workers of the World Dezie
echiche ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchịanarchism Dezie

Fredy Perlman (1934–1985) bụ onye odee, onye mbipụta na onye ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị America. Ọrụ ya kacha mara amara, Against His- Story, Against Leviathan! , na-akọghachi akụkọ ihe mere eme ịrị elu nke ọchịchị steeti site na ihe atụ Hobbesian nke Leviathan .

Ndụ mbido

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

A mụrụ Perlman n'August 20, 1934, na Brno, Czechoslovakia, nye Henry na Martha Perlman. Ezinụlọ ya buru ụzọ kwaga Cochabamba, Bolivia [1] iji gbanarị Oké Mgbukpọ ahụ [2] ma mesịa gaa United States. Perlman nwetara nzere masta site na Mahadum Columbia na PhD na Mahadum Belgrade . Ọ lụrụ Lorraine Nybakken na Jenụwarị 1958. [3]

Ọrụ ya kacha mara amara, [4] Against His-Story, Against Leviathan (1983) na-edegharị akụkọ ihe mere eme nke mmadụ dị ka mgba nke ndị nweere onwe ha ("zeks") na-eguzogide mba-alaeze ( Leviathan ). [5] Akwụkwọ ahụ metụtara onye edemede anarcho-primitivist John Zerzan . [6] Ọkà ihe ọmụma John P. Clark na-ekwu na Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! na-akọwa nkatọ Perlman nke ihe ọ hụrụ dị ka "akụkọ ihe mere eme nke puku afọ gara aga nke mwakpo nke megamachine nkà na ụzụ na ụmụ mmadụ na Ụwa." Clark kwukwara na akwụkwọ ahụ na-atụle "mmegharị ime mmụọ anarchistic" dị ka ijegharị Yellow Turban na China oge ochie na Brethren of the Free Spirit na Europe ochie.


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Perlman nwụrụ na July 26, 1985, mgbe ọ na-awa ahụ obi na Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital . Ọ nwekwara nwunye ya na nwanne ya nwoke. [3]

Akwụkwọ ndị ahọpụtara

[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  • Original Affluent Society
  • Situationist International
  • David Watson (anarchist)
  • John Zerzan


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Akwụkwọ ahụ metụtara onye edemede anarcho-primitivist John Zerzan . Ọkà ihe ọmụma JohnAkwụkwọ ahụ metụtara onye edemede anarcho-primitivist John Zerzan . [7] Ọkà ihe ọmụma John

  1. Fredy Perlman Reference Archive.
  2. The Anarchist Library: Fredy Perlman Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom a4.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Deaths: Fredy Perlman", Iowa City Press-Citizen, 1985-07-29, p. 3.
  4. (2005) in Purkis: Changing Anarchism: Anarchist Theory and Practice in a Global Age. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-6694-8. 
  5. Marcus. "Information War", Artforum, April 2020. (in en-US)
  6. Purkis (2004). "Anarchy Unbound: A Tribute to John Moore", in Moore: I Am Not a Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition (in en). New York: Autonomedia. ISBN 978-1-57027-121-2. OCLC 249155584. 
  7. Purkis (2004). "Anarchy Unbound: A Tribute to John Moore", in Moore: I Am Not a Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition (in en). New York: Autonomedia. ISBN 978-1-57027-121-2. OCLC 249155584. 

Ọgụgụ ọzọ

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Njikọ mpụga

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