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Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
sovereign state, unitary state, grand duchy, landlocked country, country
Akụkụ nkeEuropean Union, European Economic Area, Western Europe Dezie
Oge/afọ mmalite1815 Dezie
akara alaLëtzebuerg, Luxembourg, Luxemburg Dezie
aha mkpirisi🇱🇺 Dezie
Ndekọ IPAˈlʉksəmbʉɾɡ Dezie
A gụrụ ahaLuxembourg Dezie
asụsụ njiemeLuxembourgish, French language, German Dezie
Abụ njirimaraOns Heemecht Dezie
omenalaculture of Luxembourg Dezie
kọntinentObodo Békè Dezie
mba/obodoLuxembourg Dezie
isi steetiLuxembourg Dezie
dị na ngalaba nhazi mpaghara Dezie
dị na mpaghara ogeUTC+01:00 Dezie
nhazi ọnọdụ49°46′12″N 6°7′48″E Dezie
nhazi nke geographic center49°46′38″N 6°5′43″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọwụwa anyanwụ49°48′21″N 6°31′53″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ugwu50°10′58″N 6°1′29″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ndịda49°26′52″N 6°2′30″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọdịda anyanwụ49°53′49″N 5°44′8″E Dezie
geoshapeData:LuxembourgCountry.map Dezie
ebe kachasi eluKneiff Dezie
kacha alaMoselle Dezie
isi ụdị ọchịchịconstitutional monarchy Dezie
ụlọ ọrụ nke onye isi ala na-enweMonarch of Luxembourg Dezie
Onye isi alaHenri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Dezie
ụlọ ọrụ nke onye isi gọọmentị nwerePrime Minister of Luxembourg Dezie
Onyeisi gọọmentiLuc Frieden Dezie
Executive òtùGovernment of Luxembourg Dezie
òtù omebe iwuChamber of Deputies Dezie
ikike ikpe kachasị eluSuperior Court of Justice of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Dezie
EgoEuro Dezie
onye nwePfaffenthal-Kirchberg railway station, Luxembourg railway station, Howald railway station Dezie
Nkwekọrịtara oke alaJémanị, France, Belgium Dezie
coextensive withLuxembourg constituency of the European Parliament Dezie
ederede ntọalaTreaty of Paris, Treaty of London, Treaty of London Dezie
akụkụ ịkwọ ụgbọalaright Dezie
ụdị nkwụnye ọkụ eletrikEuroplug, Schuko Dezie
na-esochiGerman Confederation Dezie
dochieGerman Confederation Dezie
Asụsụ ọ na-asụLuxembourgish, German, French language Dezie
ihe omume dị ịrịba amaSiege of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Crisis Dezie
Ihe nriteCharlemagne Prize Dezie
webụsaịtịhttps://luxembourg.public.lu Dezie
hashtagLuxembourg Dezie
Ogo dị elu ọnọdụ ịntanetị.lu Dezie
ọkọlọtọflag of Luxembourg Dezie
uwe aghacoat of arms of Luxembourg Dezie
ọdịdị ala nke isiokwugeography of Luxembourg Dezie
nwere àgwàfree country Dezie
akụkọ ihe mere eme nke isiokwuhistory of Luxembourg Dezie
ndepụta ihe nchetaQ3491575 Dezie
akụkụ okporo ụzọ ụgbọ olokoright, left Dezie
emeghe data portaldata.public.lu Dezie
Akụ na ụba nke isiokwueconomy of Luxembourg Dezie
demographics nke isiokwudemographics of Luxembourg Dezie
koodu obodo mkpanaka270 Dezie
Koodu ọkpụkpọ obodo+352 Dezie
akpati nganiihuno value Dezie
nọmba ekwentị mberede112, 113 Dezie
Koodu obodo GS1540-549 Dezie
koodu akwụkwọ ikike maka ụgbọ alaL Dezie
ọnụọgụ njirimara mmiri253 Dezie
agwa Unicode🇱🇺 Dezie
udi maka maapụCategory:Maps of Luxembourg Dezie
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
(Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Großherzogtum Luxemburg)
Location nke Luxembourg
Íshí ocheLuxembourg City
Asụsụ obodo Fụrench, Jamaan, Luxembourgish

Luxembourg (asụsụ Luxembourgish: Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg; asụsụ Fụrench: Grand-Duché de Luxembourg; asụsụ Jamaan: Großherzogtum Luxemburg), nke ana-kpo kwa, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg bụ otu obodo no na Obodo Békè.

Lee nke ozo

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