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Chidinma: Ọdịiche dị n'etiti nyochagharị

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Ntụrụaka: I am a fan
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Ahiri 296: Ahiri 296:
55: Chibuke .........
55: Chibuke .........

Dika omenaala anyi ndi igbo si ekwu ka eme anyi bu ndi amara, ahuru m Igbo n'anya, ahuru. ( https:/wapexclusive.com ) m nwanyi anyi ama dika chidinma, phyno, anyi bu ndi igbo anyi di uku n'Africa
Dika omenaala anyi ndi igbo si ekwu ka eme anyi bu ndi amara, ahuru m Igbo n'anya, ahuru. ( https://wapexclusive.com ) m nwanyi anyi ama dika chidinma, phyno, anyi bu ndi igbo anyi di uku n'Africa

Orübà nà ógè 08:42, 1 Jụn 2021

Chidinma Ekile (amụrụ ya na ọnwa Mee na ụbọchị abụọ n'afọ 1991), onye nke amara na ihu ọrụ ya dịka Chidinma, bụ nwa afọ Igbo onye Nigerian n'ede abụ maa na agụ kwa egwú. [1] [2] N’afọ 2010, a bịara mara ya nke ọma n'ụzọ dị iche mgbe ọ meriri oge nke atọ na Project Fame West Africa . [3] N'gbaso ngosiputa ihe onyonyo egwu ya maka "Emi Ni Baller" nke bu egwu guzo n'onwe ya, ọ ghọrọ nwanyị izizi kachasị elu nke akara mbụ na MTV Base Official Naija Top 10. [4] N’afọ 2011, ọ wepụtara egwu nke Sound Sultan nyere aka akpọrọ “Jankoliko”. [5] O weputara Chidinma akpa egwu ya nke mbụ ya nọkọtara ọnu site na aka ndị ọtu na akpọ egwu Spinlet. Otinyere kwaa ndị ọzọ egwu guzo n'onwe ha dị ka "Jankoliko", "Carry You Go", "Kedike" na "Run Dia Mouth" na otu akpa ndekọ egwu ahụ ana akpọ alụbọm. Ndị ọbịa dị iche iche dị ka Sound Sultan, Tha Suspect, Olamide na Muna so kwa tiee egwu na ndekọ egwu ahụ. [6] Chidinma meriri dị ka nwanyị kachasị nma na egwu in mpaghara West Afrika na Kora Awards n'afọ 2012 ebe ọ gụ kwa'a egwu ya "Kedike". [7]

Mmalite ndụ, ihe agụmakwụkwọ, na ka ọha si mara ya

A mụrụ Chidinma Ekile na Ketu, Kosofe, Lagos Steeti ma'na nne na nna sitere na Imo Steeti . Ọ bụ nwa nke isii n’ime ụmụ asaa. [3] [8] Nna Chidinma bu onye na-adọ aka na ntị. Chidinma bido ịbụ abụ mgbe ọ dị afọ isii. [9] Mgbe ọ dị afọ iri, o sonyeere ndị na-ekwe ukwe na ụka ya. [10] Chidinma gara ụlọ akwụkwọ praịmar na sekọndrị na Ketu tupu ya na ezinụlọ ya kwaga Ikorodu. Ọ rụrụ ọrụ dị ka onye na-akwalite azụmahịa na Lagos tupu o sonye nyocha maka oge nke atọ nke Project Fame West Africa. Chidinma choro imuta nkwurita uka (Mass communication) ma na mecha guọ Sociology na ulo akwukwo nke Mahadum Lagos . [11] Chidinma na mbụ jụrụ ịnabata ije Mahadum Lagos n'ihi ọganihu ya na Project Fame West Africa. N'ajụjụ ọnụ ya na YNaija, o kwuru na ọ were ụlọ akwụkwọ oge niile ka ihe di mkpa, nkaa nyere ya mkpebi idebanye aha na Unilag. Okwuru si na igu egwu adighi mgbe obula oji buru mkpa ya, kama o kpebiri inye ya oghere ma ka merie asọmpi egwu ahụ. [12] Mgbe ọ mee ka ntutu ya na-acha ọbara ọbara ma kpụchaa ntutu ya n’ụzọ dị iche ndị mmadụ malitere na eche na ọ bụ ezigbo nwa agbọghọ di zi ọjọọ. N'ajụjụ ọnụ a gbara ya nke di na websaịtị Daily Independent, Chidinma kwuru na ọ ka bụ ezigbo mmadu, na ya na-etolite ma na-etokwa dịka onye na-agụ egwu. [13]

Ọrụ egwu

Project Fame

Tupu o jee nyocha Project Fame West Africa nke atọ, nrọ ya bụ iso ha na ihe nkiri televishọn ahụ n'ezie. Site n'enyemaka na nkwado sitere n'aka ezigbo enyi ya, Chidinma hapụrụ ụlọ ya na Ikorodu wee gaa Ultima Studios. O so na puku mmadụ asatọ gara wee sọrọ mpi gara wee gosipụta nke ha ma eme. Mgbe nke a gasịrị, Chidinma sonyeere nmadu irii na asaa ndị ahọrọ iga na ihụ na asọmpi ahụ. Ruo izu iri, ndị ọkachamara egwu na-azụ Chidinma na ndị ọzọ ahọrọ na asọmpi ahụ : ndị nkuzi olu, ndị na-agba ume, ndị amar amara na-egwu na ndị na-enye aka maka ọrụ azụmahịa egwu. Ọzọkwa, a na-akuziri ndị na-asọ mpi ọrụ ịgba egwu ni ime ọtụtụ usoro ịmegharị ihe. [14] Ekwuwapụtara Chidinma dịka onye meriri n'asọmpị ahụ na ụbọchị iri abụọ na isii Septemba 2010. O nwetara ihe onyinye di iche iche gụnyere, ₦ 2.5m (nde naira abuo na ise, otu 2011 Toyota RAV4, na nkwekọrịta mmepụta egwu. [15] Na Mee 2013, Chidinma na MTN Nigeria bịanyere aka na nkwekọrịta nkwado . [16]

2011–2012: Chidinma

Chidinma bidoro ịrụ ọrụ na akpa egwu (album) ya nke izizi Chidinma mgbe ọ mekọtasịrị ọrụ mmekorita ya na ndị atọ ọzọ so na Project Fame West Africa. [17] Emebere album ahụ ka ewepụta ya na nkeji nke anọ nke 2011. Chidinma kwuru okwu banyere akpa egwu ahụ na nkenke wee kwuo na ya tinyere ọtụtụ ume n'ime. [5] Ya na Ọ ọtụtụ ndị na-emepụta, gụnyere Cobhams Asuquo, Tee-Y Mix, WazBeat na Oscar Heman Ackah rụrụ k'ọrụ. [18] O weputara egwu "Jankoliko" nke Sound Sultan nyere ya aka na "Carry You Go" na ọnwa Febụwarị ụbọchị iri abụọ na abụọ n'afọ 2011. Ọ bụ Oscar Heman Ackah dere ma mepụta egwu abụọ ahụ. N'ajụjụ ọnụ a gbara na websaịtị Weekly Trust, Chidinma kwuru na obi dị ya ụtọ maka nzaghachi dị mma o nwetara mgbe abụ ya ndị ahụ pụtara, ma na-agbasi mbọ ike iji meziwanye nkaa ya. Na 4 June 2011, Chidinma weputara vidiyo egwu "Jankoliko" nke Clarence Peters nyere ya aka. [19] Na ụbọchị 11 October 2011, o weputara "Kedike" dịka akpa egwu 'album' nke atọ. Nsụgharị aha egwu ahu bu "Obi nkuzi", Cobhams Asuquo mepụtara ya. N'ajụjụ ọnụ ya na Entertainment Rave, Chidinma kpughere na ya na ndị na-emepụta egwu ya chepụtara aha abụ ahụ wee kwu kwa na ọ na-egosi ịhụnanya. [20] E wepụtara vidiyo egwu "Kedike" nke Clarance Peters hụrụ maka ya na 24 Jenụwarị 2012. Otu onye na-abụ abụ na Naịjirịa Dammy Krane pụtara dịka onye mmasị ịhụnanya Chidinma na vidiyo ahụ. [21] Na ụbọchị 11 Ọktọba 2011, o weputara album nke akpọrọ "Run Dia Mouth". [22]

2013–2014: Egwu ndị guzo naanị ha

Na 14 Septemba 2012, o weputara Illbliss na "Emi Ni Baller" nke Tha Suspect nyere ya aka mee. Legendury Beatz mepụtara abụ ahụ. [23] Ọ gbara onye nke asaa na ndepụta egwu iri n’elu nke ndị Vanguard mere na afọ 2013. [24] Nkụarị "Emi Ni Baller" pụtara na 22 February 2013. O gosiputara vidiyo nke Wizkid sonyere. Ndi Legendury Beatz meputara ya. [25] Capital Dreams Pictures weputara vidiyo egwu maka "Emi Ni Baller" na ụbọchị 12 June 2013. Clarence Peters rụrụ ọrụ maka ya. [26] Na 10 June 2013, Chidinma wepụtara abụ atọ ndị guzo naanị ha: "Bless My Hustle", "Kite" na "Jolly", nke Tha Suspect, Del B na Wizzboy mepụtara. [27]

Na 14 Septemba 2013, Chidinma wepụtara "Oh Baby". Akụarị egwua na 29 Jenụwarị 2014 nke Flavour N'abania gosipụtara ụda olu ya n'ime ya. Aka Young D di na abụ abụọ ahụ. [28] Na ọnwa Mee, ụbọchị abụọ n'afọ 2014, Chidinma wepụtara vidiyo egwu maka "Oh Baby (Mu na gi)". Ọ bụ Clarence Peters na Ngozi Nwosu na OC Ukeje duziri ya . [29]

Arụmọrụ ama'ma

Chidinma soro Dr SID me nmeme MTN Power of 10 Concerts, njem ime obodo iri nke mere ememe ncheta na MTN Nigeria gbara afọ iri; Njem a bidoro na Makurdi na 9 Septemba 2011. [30] Chidinma bụ otu n'ime ndị ọrụ nkwado na 2013 Hennessy Artistry Club Tour nke D'banj bu onyeisi . [31] [32] Na ụbọchị atọ ọnwa Nọvemba afọ 2013, ọ rụrụ na Guinness World of More Concert tinyere P-Square, D'banj, Wizkid, Ice Prince, Burna Boy, Olamide, Phyno, Waje, Davido na Tiwa Savage . [33] Na ụbọchị itoolu na ọnwa Nọvemba afọ 2013, Chidinma rụrụ ọrụ na na ihe nmenme Butterscotch ya na Blackstreet na ihe nkiri e mere na Eko Hotels na Suites. [34] Na 14 February 2014, ọ rụrụ ọrụ ihe nmenme na MTN Valentine Rave Party, ya na Tiwa Savage, Mario na Sound Sultan . [35] Chidinma rụrụ ọrụ n'ọtụtụ mba na Africa, gụnyere Republic of Benin, Sierra Leone, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Cameroun, Equatorial Guinea, Niger na Ghana.

Ọrụ ihe nkiri

Chindinma bidoro ọrụ ihe nkiri site na igosipụta na fim 2017, The Bridge (2017 nkiri) nke Kunle Afolayan duziri .

Ihe omume na egwu

Chidinma meriri Best Female West African Act na 2012 Kora Awards . Ọ bu Didier Drogba gosipụtara nyere ya Ihe ngosi onyinye na emume ahụ. O meriri Omawumi na mmadụ ise ndị ọzọ maka nsọpụrụ a. Mgbe o nwetasịrị ihe nrite ahụ, Chidinma kwuru, sị, "Ọ bụụrụ m nnukwu ihe nsọpụrụ. Ana m ekele Chineke, ndị egwuregwu na ndị m, ndị soworo na akụkọ banyere m nke ọma. Imeri KORA bụ nnukwu ihe rụpụtara. Na eziokwu amataram na ọ bụ mmalite nke ihe ka mma na abịa. ” [11] [36] Chidinma hotara Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Alicia Keys, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Fela Kuti, Omawumi, Onyeka Onwenu, Lagbaja na Darey Art Alade dịka ndị nnukwu egwu ọ na-ele anya. [9] [14] [37]

Ugo na nhoputa

Afọ Omume Prize Recipient N'ihi Ref
2014 City Entertainment Awards Musician of the Year (Female) Nominated (Herself) [38]
Best collabo of the Year Oh Baby (You & I) Featuring Flavour N'abania
2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards Best Pop/R&B Artist of the Year Nominated (Herself) [39]
Female Artist of the Year
Best Music Video of the Year (Artist & Director) "Oh! Baby (You & I)"

Oh Baby (You & I) Featuring Flavour N'abania
Best Collaboration
African Muzik Magazine Awards Best Female West Africa Herself (Nominated) [40]
MTV Africa Music Awards 2014 Best Female [41]
2013 The Headies Best Collabo "Emi Ni Baller"

(featuring Tha Suspect and IllBliss) Won
Nigerian Music Video Awards (NMVA) Video of the Year [43]
Best Pop Extra Video
Best Afro Hip Hop video "I Am Sorry"

(IllBliss featuring Chidinma)

Channel O Music Video Awards Most gifted Africa West "Emi Ni Baller"

(featuring Tha Suspect and IllBliss)
Nigeria Entertainment Awards Best Collabo [45]
City People Entertainment Awards Musician of the Year Nominated (Herself) [46]
2012 The Headies Best Vocal Performance (Female) "Kedike" [47]
Onye Ego Nwee Egwuregwu Na Egwu Na Ntanetị Na Ego (Nigerian Music Video Awards) (NMVA) Best Afro Pop [48]
Best Indigenous Concept
Nigeria Entertainment Awards Best New Act of the Year Herself [49]
Best Pop/R&B Artist of the Year
Kora Awards Best Female West African Act "Kedike" Won [50]


Egwu Ndekọ Studio

Aha Nkọwa album Ihe edeturu
    • Released: 2012
    • Label:Capital Hill Records
    • Format: CD, digital download
    • Producers: Cobhams Asuquo, Oscar Heman Ackah ,

  1. I'm in Luv"4:122.
  2. "Jankoliko" (featuring Sound Sultan)3:363
  3. "Kedike"3:554.
  4. "Run Dia Mouth"3:555
  5. ."Be Myself" (featuring Suspect)3:496.
  6. "Carry You Go"3:527.
  7. "Direction"5:208.
  8. "Kedike (Remix)" (featuring Olamide)3:589.
  9. "Run Dia Mouth (Remix)" (featuring Muna and Blaise)4:1410
  10. ."Winner" (featuring Project Fame 3 All Stars)4:5411.
  11. "Make My World Go Round"3:01

Egwu ndị guzo naanị ha

As Lead Artist
Afọ Aha Ndekọ album
2011 "I Am A Winner" (with MTN Project Fame All Stars N/A
"Jankoliko" (nke gosipụtara ụda Sound Sultan ) Chidinma
“Carry You Go”
"Run Dia Mouth"
2012 "Emi Ni Baller" (featuring Tha Suspect and iLLBliss) TBA
2013 "Emi Ni Baller (Remix)" (na egosi WizKid ) TBA
"Bless My Hustle" (na-egosi Phyno ) TBA
"Kite" TBA
"Jolly" TBA
"Oh Baby TBA
"Sweet Like Shuga" (with Flavour, KCee, Sound Sultan, and Professor) N/A
"CAPITAL Krismas" (with Tha Suspect, iLLBliss, Tesh Carter, and Clarence Peters Non-album single
2014 "Oh Baby (You & I)" (featuring Flavour) TBA
"Kuli Kache" TBA
"Martha" [51]
Dika onye ngosi nka
Afọ Aha Ndekọ album
2012 "In The Air" (Tesh Carter na-egosi Chidinma)
2013 "One Kain Love" (Mystro na-egosi Chidinma)
"Oga DJ" (Mr 2kay na-egosi Chidinma)
"Only Human" (Silvastone na-egosi Chidinma)
"Suddenly" ( Monica Ogah na- egosi Chidinma)
"Powerful" (iLLBliss na-egosi Chidinma)
"I am Sorry " (iLLBliss na-egosi Chidinma) Oga Boss
"Ije Love" (Dubie na egosiputa Chidinma) DUBIE
"Doxology" (Mike Aremu gosipụtara Chidinma) Coat of Many Colours
2014 "ODUNAYO" (Creddy-F na-egosi Chidinma and Phyno)
'' Sweet Potato' (Praiz nke na-egosi Chidinma) Rich and Famous
"Our Voices" (DaSuki nke na-egosi Chidinma)
2015 "All I want is you" (Banky W na-egosi Chidinma)
Egwu vidiyo
Afọ Aha Onye isi (s)
2011 "I am a winner" (ya na MTN Project Fame All Stars) Bayo Alawiye [53]
"Jankoliko" (nke gosipụtara ụda Sultan ) Clarence Peters [54]
2012 "Kedike"
"In the Air" (Tesh Carter na egosiputa Chidinma)
2013 "Only Human" (Silvastone na-egosi Chidinma)
"Emi Ni Baller" (nke gosipụtara Tha Suspect na iLLBliss)
"One Kain Love ( Love)" (Mystro egosi Chidinma)
"I am Sorry " (iLLBliss na-egosi Chidinma)
"Sweet Like Shuga" (na flavor, KCee, Sound Sultan, na Prọfesọ)
"Oh Baby (You & I)" (na-egosi Flavour)
2018 "Yanga" Meksiko

Hụ kwa

  • Aha ndi Igbo
  • Aha ndi egwu Nigeria


55: Chibuke .........

Dika omenaala anyi ndi igbo si ekwu ka eme anyi bu ndi amara, ahuru m Igbo n'anya, ahuru. ( https://wapexclusive.com ) m nwanyi anyi ama dika chidinma, phyno, anyi bu ndi igbo anyi di uku n'Africa

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  51. New Song Chidinma - Martha 'Martha' touches on her blind/ref> Both of her parents are from Imo State. She worked as a business promoter in Lagos prior to auditioning for the third season of Project Fame West Africa. Chidinma started singing at the age of 6, and grew up with a disciplinarian father. birth. Ayomide O. Tayo. Retrieved on 11 November 2014.
  52. New Music: Banky W, Chidinma - 'All I want is you'. Retrieved on 2015-12-04.
  53. New Video: MTN Project Fame III All Stars – I Am A Winner. Bellanaija. Retrieved on 27 May 2014.
  54. New Video: Chidinma Feat. Sound Sultan – Jankoliko. Bellanaija. Retrieved on 27 May 2014.