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Templeeti:Coor at d

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ

{{{1}}}° {{{2}}} {{{3}}}° {{{4}}}Coordinates: {{{1}}}° {{{2}}} {{{3}}}° {{{4}}}

Ihe idi gu na okpuru line nkee no na Templeeti:Coor at d/doc [edit] - The template documentation below is transcluded from Templeeti:Coor at d/doc [edit]

This template combines:

It lists the coordinates within the article text and at the upper-right corner of the article, just below the horizontal rule running under the article's title (in Monobook, placement in other skins varies).

See also

[dezie ebe o si]